Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for November 09, 2015
Lupin: There are rainbows everywhere! We return to Elvis for continuing coverage. Elvis? Elvis: Lupin, this just in: It appears earlier reports that "St. Patrick's Day exploded" were mistaken! Lupin: I believe those were your reports -- Elvis: It's not important who said what. Elvis: The fact remains there are rainbows everywhere and the People are ecstatic. Elvis: The Woman keeps spinning in circles with Puck. Woman: Yay! Woman: FINALLY! Puck: It feels like I'm flying, Elvis. Puck: ...Right over the rainbow. Elvis: The Man is cheering incoherently at the electric picture box. Elvis: The Woman is pumping her fist in the air. Puck: OKAY, WE'RE DOING THIS NOW Elvis: The Man is telling the children this is an historic day. Elvis: An... Irish historic day? Lupin: Just stop. Elvis: Well, though the cause remains unclear, two things are certain: Elvis: What happened, it was awesome and long overdue.
Ida No about 9 years ago
Taste the rainbow.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 9 years ago
All people are equal………as long as they love cats!
She Mc about 9 years ago
Oh how nice!!! happy days X
prairiedogdance Premium Member about 9 years ago
What was so amazing was the first time this played, all the comments were so wonderful, loving, and positive. Georgia’s fans are truly the nicest, most generous people on the net.
jmessick about 9 years ago
Minority will rules!
I AM CARTOON LADY! about 9 years ago
Nice work, Georgia!
Fido (aka Felix Rex) about 9 years ago
SallyLin about 9 years ago
Lovely strip and lovely to recall the celebration!
Vet Premium Member about 9 years ago
There is still work to be done.The struggle is not over yet.A battle was won but the struggle is not fully over.
Spyderred about 9 years ago
What has to be grasped is that any discrimination against one is discrimination against all. It’s one of those things, like weeds, which spreads if its allowed to get any foothold. So that even categorizing discrimination as sexism, agism, racism, is really all the same thing spurred by fear, greed and envy.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 9 years ago
What a lovely bunch of folks you all are! I’m glad to be part of this group!
up2trixx about 9 years ago
Love it. Still lots of progress to be made, but we gays and our gay agenda are on track to take over the world and turn everyone gay. Oh, crap, did I think that or type it? Forget what you just read, people! I didn’t say anything!
ritapiobaire about 9 years ago
What a wonderful strip today. You have to love these kittehs
heatherjasper about 9 years ago
I’m confused. What’s the celebration?
Starman1948 about 9 years ago
A pleasant day to all my friends.-—————-@Reynard61: I believe that you are correct.-—————-Be happy and healthy everyone.
Dillithamir about 9 years ago
Why the big deal…?
pam Miner about 9 years ago
The little boy grew faster than a year it seems like. I wa surprised to see that his babyhood was so very short. The new baby is really cute, bu I guess it’s not about the people much, just the cats.
Starman1948 about 9 years ago
God Bless Our Veterans. God Bless the United States.
GlitchedOne about 5 years ago
“an historic day”
Markov Da Robot over 4 years ago
Go! Go! Go!
BloodMoonDragon13 almost 4 years ago
Whats the celebration
kwblazek-16 about 3 years ago
Furrito_272 over 2 years ago
I would like to draw attention back to this comic now that. $*&# hit the fan. Please, let us never leave the state of this comic (in terms of rights) ever. If you’re reading this and disagree, I ask, simply, what is so wrong about same sex marriage. Happy (belated, I wrote this in August) pride everyone :)
Dinosaur over 1 year ago
idk why some ppl who celebrate this feel the need to to cancel the ones who don’t we are allowed to have our own opinion about things if we aren’t doing anything to u don’t come at us u don’t need to shove your opinion in our faces (also if u celebrate this but don’t do this i am not coming at u just at those ppl)
Dinosaur over 1 year ago
also im not saying georgia did that she shared her opinion respectfully and i respect that of her
Dinosaur over 1 year ago
and i don’t celebrate or like the fact that there is same sex marriage because in my religion it’s not ok to do that but if u do that celebrate this good for u i wont encourage u to keep doing it but i also wont be rude to u for doing it