Not all politicians are crooks, but 98 percent of the politicians give the other 2 percent a bad name. (It sounds like it’s from Mark Twain, but it’s not)
Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress — but I repeat myself. (Mark Twain)
America has no native criminal class— with the possible exception of Congress. (Mark Twain)
The mistake a lot of politicians make is in forgetting they’ve been appointed and thinking they’ve been anointed. (Claude Pepper, Sen & Rep from Fla)
Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly and for the same reason. (Anonymous)
I usually say the House of Liars & the House of Thieves, but I can’t argue with Yukoner.
This circus needs a new act. T Party may not be better than D or R, but at least it’s silly. G & L, each have good points, but they’re too boring. Where’s the high-wire? Maybe a trapeze. Shoot someone out of a cannon. At least hire someone to clean up after the animal acts, I’d hate to insult such a noble profession with the implication that all I see are clowns, & they’re a little creepy.
Re Kalifornication: Flakes made from the ground nuts of a desert palm. Sweeten with cactus fruit if you choose, but I’d rather find a little honey. Coastal or mountain, city or farm, might use a different recipe, but it still works, as long as you don’t ask us to govern. Just let the illegal aliens harvest our legalized pot while we go surfing.
I’ve stopped arguing whether certain government programs are a good idea. I have just two questions: “Is* it constitutional now?” and “Should* we pass an amendment to make it legal?” Also up for discussion is doing it at the state level (much better for things like welfare) instead of passing an amendment. States can’t get away with massive deficits for as long as the feds.
pouncingtiger over 14 years ago
That’s correct, Skyler.
Roger Smith over 14 years ago
And they do. Senate Nuts and House Nuts. And of course White House nuts for good measure.
In bars the nuts are on the house. In Washington the nuts are in the House.
Yukoner over 14 years ago
The other one is the house of ill repute. Will I get bleeped if I use the term “whore house”?
Roger Smith over 14 years ago
Yukoner - isn’t that just a house of tarts.
Roger Smith over 14 years ago
Just curious, but is the booze at a house of tarts properly called tarter sauce??
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Not a very fine house.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
A house not fit for a mouse.
shmlss over 14 years ago
and the 2nd is animal house lol!
snarky1941 over 14 years ago
so the junketers are the wing nuts?
wicky over 14 years ago
The government is like a bowl of granola, when you remove the fruits and nuts…what you have left is the flakes.
FUNG1 over 14 years ago
a really good ‘toon … simple AND funny!!
John9 over 14 years ago
sorry but the second one is the poor house.
David Griffies over 14 years ago
Amen, Skyler. The second could be the monkey house.
Jaedabee Premium Member over 14 years ago
Hah hah! :D
linsonl over 14 years ago
I think a lot of those lawmakers should be in the BIG house.
OLDDOG82 over 14 years ago
i agree with N7326 and the sooner the better for us
worldisacomic over 14 years ago
can’t wait for November!
lightenup Premium Member over 14 years ago
I was thinking the clown house, but I like doubleagle64’s monkey house better.
rotts over 14 years ago
whitecarabao over 14 years ago
Not all politicians are crooks, but 98 percent of the politicians give the other 2 percent a bad name. (It sounds like it’s from Mark Twain, but it’s not)
Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress — but I repeat myself. (Mark Twain)
America has no native criminal class— with the possible exception of Congress. (Mark Twain)
The mistake a lot of politicians make is in forgetting they’ve been appointed and thinking they’ve been anointed. (Claude Pepper, Sen & Rep from Fla)
Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly and for the same reason. (Anonymous)
treBsdrawkcaB over 14 years ago
The Nut House and the Poor House.
ChukLitl Premium Member over 14 years ago
I usually say the House of Liars & the House of Thieves, but I can’t argue with Yukoner.
This circus needs a new act. T Party may not be better than D or R, but at least it’s silly. G & L, each have good points, but they’re too boring. Where’s the high-wire? Maybe a trapeze. Shoot someone out of a cannon. At least hire someone to clean up after the animal acts, I’d hate to insult such a noble profession with the implication that all I see are clowns, & they’re a little creepy.
Re Kalifornication: Flakes made from the ground nuts of a desert palm. Sweeten with cactus fruit if you choose, but I’d rather find a little honey. Coastal or mountain, city or farm, might use a different recipe, but it still works, as long as you don’t ask us to govern. Just let the illegal aliens harvest our legalized pot while we go surfing.
artisanx over 14 years ago
The Nut House and the Out House! You people know little about government! One guess what they do with the White House papers…
Bargrove over 14 years ago
Hey! We have he best government money can buy!!
cheetahqueen over 14 years ago
Actually, the Poor House is where all of the rest of us are heading thanks to those in the nut house!
markpirkl over 14 years ago
and the other is the outhouse
natureboyfig4 Premium Member over 14 years ago
Dang. I was beaten to the “outhouse” comment.
pbarnrob over 14 years ago
Skyler is doing better than most kids in school; we gotta fix that!
wb2ldj over 14 years ago
The truth….and just as a newspaper represents a cross section of the people it serves, so a politician is most of those people. GS
stuart over 14 years ago
I’ve stopped arguing whether certain government programs are a good idea. I have just two questions: “Is* it constitutional now?” and “Should* we pass an amendment to make it legal?” Also up for discussion is doing it at the state level (much better for things like welfare) instead of passing an amendment. States can’t get away with massive deficits for as long as the feds.
travburg1 over 14 years ago
Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.