Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 16, 2010
Luann says, "Ok, I put a bit of blush on your cheek. How's that?" Shannon says, "Do the other one!" Luann says, "Ok, there." Shannon says, "Can I have some lipstick? I'm asking nice, aren't I?" Luann says, "Yes you are. Make your lips like this" Shannon says, "What flavor is it? Cherry?" Luann says, "It's not flavor. You don't eat it" Shannon says, 'Then what's it for?"
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
First flirting lessons, now this. Toni will never want to leave her with a sitter again.
OoDex over 9 years ago
@sara I actually don’t know one Girl (and nearly no Boy) that didn’t use make-up of their parents/siblings as young children.