La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for December 04, 2015
Refujesus: Hi, I'm Refujesus, and I'm escaping a little strife in the Middle East. Cuco: Where are you gonna stay, Refujesus? Refujesus: Well, not with Jeb Bush! He only wants to accept Christian refugees... Not sure if you read about it, but I'm kinda Jewish.
Ubintold about 9 years ago
Fine, but no ISIS sneaks.
e.groves about 9 years ago
Jesus was a radical.
Habogee about 9 years ago
Does that make Christianity radical Judiasm?
cepa about 9 years ago
Lalo, are you picking on Bush because his wife is Mexican?. You pick on Cruz and Rubio. I begin to think you don’t like Latinos unless they are Democrats or you against all minorities if they are Republican.
Davis D Danizier (3D) about 9 years ago
and also @Kaffekup You are so right that Paul contradicts Jesus, and this explains why every aspect of modern “Christian” conservatism is the polar opposite of what Jesus reportedly taught. Help the poor? Feed the hungry? Heal the sick? Welcome the foreigner? It is because they DON’T FOLLOW JESUS, other than with hollow lip service. Conservative “Christians” follow Paul.Liberal Christians try to follow Jesus. For specific examples, including chapter-and-verse references to how Paul contradicts Jesus:
kaffekup about 9 years ago
‘Those practicing the Old Testament Jewish laws have still not accepted the Grace of God offered through Christ.’.No, because based on our Bible, we have the ‘grace of God’ direct from His own hand. He hasn’t told us any different. (Old Jewish joke: “For God so loved the Jewish people He didn’t send anybody, but came Himself.”)See also Deut 13.