Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for December 04, 2015
richard's poor almanac by richard thompson ennui karzaihat jejune bondo blah lugubri the sad clown pods pods the storage unit pabulum el brendel man: peeyoo. woman: yick. december skywatch the december sky is noted among sky watchers for its many uninspired constellations & tedious planet formations. the famous danish astrono-mer tycho brahe (1546 - 1601) once called the december sky "really boring" & "stupid." interest-ingly, brahe had an artificial nose made of silver1. and a pet moose2. he told people he'd lost his nose in a duel3, but conceivably the moose bit it off.4 woman: i give up. man: me, too. pweeeeee and, for anyone out there who cares, the geminid meteor shower peaks next week! as always, it promises to provide many, many lulls between actual meteors! prime viewing will be monday night, but don't wait, get out there now, be-fore all the good spots are taken. hurry! 1. true! 2. true! 3. true! 4. probably not true.
Hugh B. Hayve about 9 years ago
A møøse bit my sister once. No realli!
Sisyphos about 9 years ago
I feel surfeited with information, angst, and humor.Can I be a December constellation?
PoodleGroomer about 9 years ago
People would lie in the grass, drink lots of wine, tell stories, and claim to see things in the random arrangement of white dots in the sky at night. Winter is too cold to tell long stories all night and new wine doesn’t come ready until spring.