I was in an exam room waiting for the doctor. He works in a large clinic. So in comes an intense, frowny looking woman in her late 20s. She’s not the doctor’s nurse. She says she need to ask me some questions. OK, I’m game. She says she’s some kind of social health counselor, or something. She ain’t pretty enough for me to pay much attention. Questioning begins. Am I married? Have I fallen recently? Am I afraid of falling? What TV things do I watch? What do I do for entertainment? Do I get out and socialize? Do I have a happy relationship with some significant other?Did I get the social support I needed? Did my family and friends provide warm fuzzies?How did I handle stress? This is where I blew the whole she-bang. I told her that I didn’t get stress. I gave stress.I dated a psychologist once and took some psychology in college. So I know the routine. She left. Handed me the clip board to finish the social quiz. I didn’t.
“That’s the ‘Feared Sith Lord Steve Grumpypants’ to you heathens!
Rather than a lightsaber, I’ll sic the whole lot of ya with frivolous lawsuits and meaningless litigations and send you my overcharged bill of services rendered! MWAHAHAHA!!!"
I really enjoy reading the New Bloom County but does any one know what the schedule is? I never know if there is going to be a new strip or a repeat strip. There for awhile Monday was a repeat strip but for now it’s not. Several days go back and the strip doesn’t change. If it’s only published on a certain schedule I can understand that since other strips do the same. But for the life of me I can’t figure out what that schedule might be. The complete chaos is very frustrating and I can’t help but wonder if it won’t put me off the strip. I also get the real sense that individual strips are not being shown because there seems to be a gap plot-wise between two consecutive strips.
Sherlock Watson about 9 years ago
I hope they used a clean bedpan.
Sisyphos about 9 years ago
Kidnap victim Steve Grumpypants provides a few moments of happiness for a sick little boy. Leniency for Opus and the gang!
Lyons Group, Inc. about 9 years ago
One more statement like that, and it’s the penalty flag for you.
Old Texan75 about 9 years ago
I was in an exam room waiting for the doctor. He works in a large clinic. So in comes an intense, frowny looking woman in her late 20s. She’s not the doctor’s nurse. She says she need to ask me some questions. OK, I’m game. She says she’s some kind of social health counselor, or something. She ain’t pretty enough for me to pay much attention. Questioning begins. Am I married? Have I fallen recently? Am I afraid of falling? What TV things do I watch? What do I do for entertainment? Do I get out and socialize? Do I have a happy relationship with some significant other?Did I get the social support I needed? Did my family and friends provide warm fuzzies?How did I handle stress? This is where I blew the whole she-bang. I told her that I didn’t get stress. I gave stress.I dated a psychologist once and took some psychology in college. So I know the routine. She left. Handed me the clip board to finish the social quiz. I didn’t.
russellc64 about 9 years ago
Am I the only one upset by the switch from Star Trek to Star Wars?
HAL69 about 9 years ago
With tongue firmly held in cheek and a chuckle:
“That’s the ‘Feared Sith Lord Steve Grumpypants’ to you heathens!
Rather than a lightsaber, I’ll sic the whole lot of ya with frivolous lawsuits and meaningless litigations and send you my overcharged bill of services rendered! MWAHAHAHA!!!"
But have a little patience, padawans. Stay tuned.
Dragoncat about 9 years ago
And when they say “compulsory”…
Enter.Name.Here about 9 years ago
“Am I the only one upset by the switch from Star Trek to Star Wars?”
Fear not, dear Trekkie. It’s only the release of the new S.W. movie by Disney no less that’s upset the balance of things and altered our universe.
All will be well in time… Just remember to use the forc….ummmm…I mean, live long and pr {click}(disconnected at the source)
dre7861 about 9 years ago
I really enjoy reading the New Bloom County but does any one know what the schedule is? I never know if there is going to be a new strip or a repeat strip. There for awhile Monday was a repeat strip but for now it’s not. Several days go back and the strip doesn’t change. If it’s only published on a certain schedule I can understand that since other strips do the same. But for the life of me I can’t figure out what that schedule might be. The complete chaos is very frustrating and I can’t help but wonder if it won’t put me off the strip. I also get the real sense that individual strips are not being shown because there seems to be a gap plot-wise between two consecutive strips.
Borscht about 9 years ago
Have Abby stick him with those pink, blue, and green acupuncture needles. That’ll give him the therapy he needs….