Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for July 20, 2010
Irving: We did it! We compromised and only checked one suitcase between us! We saved $25 of our hard-earned money that we can now take on our vacation......And use to buy something really special to help us always remember this time together! Saleswoman: Two sandwiches, drinks, chips and a magazine. That will be $37.90.
HelenHenley over 14 years ago
Who was the idiot who said it was better to travel than to arrive?
HelenHenley over 14 years ago
Who was the idiot who said it was better to travel than to arrive?
GrimmaTheNome over 14 years ago
Robert Louis Stevenson, but then he’d never encountered a budget airline.
He wrote ‘Travels with a Donkey’ - perhaps Cathy should try that. And I don’t mean Irving.
WebSpider over 14 years ago
I hope Irving never let that one suitcase out of his sight while packing, or he is going to be pretty shocked when he opens that suitcase to discover it’s filled with Cathy’s stuff and one pair of his own underwear. :-)
I wonder wear she packed the mannequin?
lewisbower over 14 years ago
GRIMMA Don’t call IRVIVG a donkey. Use a shorter word.
puddleglum1066 over 14 years ago
Oh, no! Cathy’s going to eat a sandwich! And some chips!! And have a beverage!!! According to the Laws of Cathy Physics, she must now gain so much instant weight that the plane won’t be able to take off!
By the way, what are they still doing at the airport? Didn’t Sunday’s strip have them already at the resort? (And how did Cathy check that mannequin, anyway?) We’re starting to see Dick Tracy levels of continuity here…
jmersnga over 14 years ago
Never ever eat at the airport… talk about over-priced!
lightenup Premium Member over 14 years ago
Boy, lunch sounds real special, Irving. I was impressed until the last panel.
Good one, Lewreader! :-)
Mstfyd over 14 years ago
soooooooo true! I think the restrictions actually are all about helping the economy of the overpriced airline shopes