Again, it’s all about Burl, what she was supposed to do for HIM. Grrrrr! I know some self-centered gits like that, and I could cheerfully stick their heads in the loo and hold ’em down ’til the bubbles stop!
Every year for thirty years, on our anniversity, while I shake my wife’s hand I remind her I declared my deepest esteem the day we wed and if anything changes I’ll let her know.
Ninette almost 9 years ago
Verla elicits an icy stare from Jerry,
Laura Gildwarg almost 9 years ago
Again, it’s all about Burl, what she was supposed to do for HIM. Grrrrr! I know some self-centered gits like that, and I could cheerfully stick their heads in the loo and hold ’em down ’til the bubbles stop!
Ninette almost 9 years ago
Every year for thirty years, on our anniversity, while I shake my wife’s hand I remind her I declared my deepest esteem the day we wed and if anything changes I’ll let her know.
MeGoNow Premium Member almost 9 years ago
You could likely feed a small village with the crumbs she can shake out of her wedding dress. .(Of course, though, she’ll eat them first.)
InTraining Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Yea rah Burl… ! ! !
MissScarlet Premium Member almost 9 years ago
There’s a list? Uh oh.