A friend of mine bought an HP printer. It was USB interface back when that was just starting. She plugged it in and turned it on and it didn’t work. She called tech support, and they asked her if she had installed the driver before plugging the printer in. She hadn’t. He told her there was no way to fix it now. She returned it and bought a Canon printer.
Luckily IQ comes through the mother, although the actual child’s IQ does not necessarily match or increase the mother’s. It’s just inherited from the mother’s side.
orbenjawell Premium Member about 4 years ago
Somebody get the fire department….oh, and the EMT folks….on the ready, y’know, just in case……
tcayer about 4 years ago
A friend of mine bought an HP printer. It was USB interface back when that was just starting. She plugged it in and turned it on and it didn’t work. She called tech support, and they asked her if she had installed the driver before plugging the printer in. She hadn’t. He told her there was no way to fix it now. She returned it and bought a Canon printer.
InTraining Premium Member about 4 years ago
Burl’s head is in the way…!
Train 1911 about 4 years ago
Poor Tim just take the knife you what to do
EowynWolfmoon about 4 years ago
I have had managers like Burl…
Billys mom2022 about 4 years ago
The find it is not easy today. But it is there.
SoTired Premium Member about 4 years ago
I think I see it, but I’m not sure.
paranormal about 4 years ago
It’s amazing Patty didn’t turn out with the IQ of a barefooted hillbilly!
You want to laugh at people like Burl, but they’re in management and you would say bye bye to anymore raises!!!
oldsmkysyvr about 4 years ago
They must be mad at Marlene.
Moonkey Premium Member about 4 years ago
Luckily IQ comes through the mother, although the actual child’s IQ does not necessarily match or increase the mother’s. It’s just inherited from the mother’s side.
bobw2012 about 4 years ago
Oh go read your coffee cup.
MissScarlet Premium Member about 4 years ago
Finally found yesterday’s VISA, but today’s + is awol. All the previous hints don’t do it for me.
BTW, I sure thought that Joy and Burl were way past ‘jiggling’.