People typically don’t know that the purpose of incorporation is to limit personal liability for business activity. If his ‘fire’ causes damage, only the business-owned assets are at risk, not the personal assets of the people in the corporation.
Incorporate, as do most words, has more than one meaning, “to take in or contain or include”, as in this case , to include intelligence in the use of this new thing called by some as fire…………..
TREEINTHEWIND about 9 years ago
lilmnm about 9 years ago
“Incorporate” what?
dsom8 about 9 years ago
People typically don’t know that the purpose of incorporation is to limit personal liability for business activity. If his ‘fire’ causes damage, only the business-owned assets are at risk, not the personal assets of the people in the corporation.
InTraining Premium Member about 9 years ago
He did incorpotate, but was later fired… ! ! !
TREEINTHEWIND about 9 years ago
Incorporate, as do most words, has more than one meaning, “to take in or contain or include”, as in this case , to include intelligence in the use of this new thing called by some as fire…………..
hippogriff about 9 years ago
Phatts CaliforniaBut might be funny after it is explained.
Jeff0811 about 9 years ago
Or at the very least, incorporate a lawyer.