Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for December 29, 2015
Adam: You have big plans for New Year's? Katy: Nah. I'm just gonna stay in and take it easy this year. Me and the gals considered hitting Vegas, but y'know... Adam: Yeah. That's a lot of work. Katy: Right? I'm just gonna cuddle up with a juice box and some Seacrest.
Cindy Knight about 9 years ago
Ryan Seacreast! My mom says he’s dreamy, only he needs to shave more often though.
nosirrom about 9 years ago
What are your New Year’s Eve plans?.We’ll be doing our usual spending it at home with the kids.Watching the Stooges marathon, noshing on shrimp, summer sausage, and cheese. Switching the channel just before midnight to watch the ball drop..Swingin’ the Alphabet.@pcolli – re your comment yesterday.I wouldn’t know if Collingwood has ever had snow since I don’t live in Australia. I became a Footy fan about 25 years ago when I saw my first game on PAX tv and a Collingwood fan because of Anthony Rocca. Coverage of the games has moved around from network to network over the years. I now watch on
neverenoughgold about 9 years ago
I’m glad someone cleared this up. I thought she was referring to some new aquatic version of toothpaste…