Lay Lines by Carol Lay for January 27, 2016

  1. Cat wearing strawberry beret icon
    Jennifer Kendzior  almost 9 years ago

    Get him, Leo! Feed him to the fishes!

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  2. Idano
    Ida No  almost 9 years ago

    Leo: “None! I ain’t got no talent! And that makes me angry. Very angry indeed. And then I kill you. But I’m still angry, so I kill you some more. Some more!”

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  3. Naruto gifs 2
    NWdryad  almost 9 years ago

    Leo’s talent is MUCH scarier than anything the dink could come up with. But I figured Leo would just cut this guy and push him into Shark Cove. I doubt that’s a spoiler since it’s too easy and because Ms. Lay is way more creative than that…

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