Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for August 15, 2010
tyr: After sacrificing my hand to save asgard, the dwarves forged a metal hand for me deep in the bowels of the earth using their vast cunning and dark elve's magic! It can withstand the flames of a dragon, the weight of a giant and the claws of a gryffon!! It holds my ax true and with this enchanted gauntlet I shall never miss my mark! Tyr: but, no, it doesn't get wifi. hamhock: ha! iphone: one, magic dwarf hand: zero!
mrsullenbeauty over 14 years ago
Try making a call on it.
zero over 14 years ago
Magic dwarf hand, my Asgard…
ksoskins over 14 years ago
I don’t think the hand has any apps at all, Hamhock; it does make it hard for him to get through the metal detectors at the airport. It’s also dangerous to have around strong magnets.
bubujin_2 Premium Member over 14 years ago
No matter what, you do have to hand it to him.
Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago
The hand doesn’t go dead if you hold it a certain way.
David Bethke Premium Member over 14 years ago
This is a repeat from January 2008. Thought I’d seen it before.
Kamino Neko over 14 years ago
Getting tricked into sticking your hand in Fenris’s mouth doesn’t really count as saving Asgard…
invisifan over 14 years ago
@KaminoNeko: Read the myth — It wasn’t he that was tricked; the wolf didn’t trust the gods (rightly) and demanded someone put their right hand in his mouth as a guarantee that he’d be let go (not letting him go was the point & Tyr knew it) so Tyr let him bite off his swordhand to have him bound instead of roaming the city at will.
dbethke_1959 you’re right — 2008-01-13; it did look familiar ☺
lewisbower over 14 years ago
Wi-Fi? Is that as dependable and universal as phones at the turn of the 20th century?
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
Forged in the bowels of the earth may explain why most myths are full of bowel stuff. Unlike the new iPhone I suspect the hand actually works well.
lin4869 over 14 years ago
Nice artwork!
wolfofodin over 14 years ago
It wasn’t just Asgard, it was the world.