Red and Rover by Brian Basset for February 06, 2016
Red: You're not eating? Rover: I will-just counting the kibbles in my bowl first. Red: Whatever for? Rover: When your mom came home from the store, I heard her say that my dog food was on sale. Red: I heard her say that, too. Rover: So if it cost less, shouldn't I get more?!
Catfeet Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Dollar-cost averaging, Rover style!
rentier almost 9 years ago
Oh yes, more, of course!!
Phred Premium Member almost 9 years ago
That’s a smart dog.
mymontana almost 9 years ago
Sounds right to me, Red. Toss on a few more of those kibbles for Rover and have a great day!
crazyliberal almost 9 years ago
But dear Rover you only get so much for a reason … an overweight puppy has health issues and doesn’t live long. Red and all of us want you around forever!
neverenoughgold almost 9 years ago
We all realize Rover is no longer a puppy, right?
Ermine Notyours almost 9 years ago
Sort of like the time the Canadian dollar increased in value compared to US currency, and they were waiting for their prices to go down. Eh.