Michael Ramirez for February 03, 2016

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    lopaka  over 8 years ago

    Hey ramirez, the hammer and sickle are part of a symbol of communism. A bit different than socialism. Get of your soap box and get some schooling.

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    1941gko  over 8 years ago

    Our Government (Local, State, or Federal) has always been “Socialist” when acting for the Common Good! And always will be because there is NO Win-Win solution to any issue with which government has to deal! Someone is always going to get the short end of the stick in a decision process!

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    lonecat  over 8 years ago

    Liberals are social democrats and social democrats are socialists and socialists are communists. Conservatives are libertarians and libertarians are fascists and fascists are nazis. A simple method, no thought or understanding required.

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    Dave Ferro  over 8 years ago

    NAILED IT!!! Great cartoon, Michael !!!!

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    braindead Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Wow, Ramirez would be right at home in the fifties.

    McCarthy anti-Communist hearings,The House UnAmerican Activities Committee,Blacklists.

    ‘Course, anybody with a name like Ramirez wouldn’t be allowed to have his job.

    Ah, the good old days.

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    feverjr Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Wasn’t there an economic crisis that led to the destruction of most of the free worlds economy? But the Chinese were’t effected because they didn’t invest in credit default swaps…..AAA+ rated derivatives that were junk.……………..Markets need to be strictly regulated, Glass-Steagall should be enacted again, the Volker Rule in Dodd Frank doesn’t go far enough. Even Greenspan, an Ayn Rand loyalist, admitted that when the regulations were lifted greed destroyed the economy.

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    @lopaka said, about 6 hours ago “Hey ramirez, the hammer and sickle are part of a symbol of communism. A bit different than socialism. Get of your soap box and get some schooling.”-Perhaps it would be a good thing for @lopaka to get off the soap box and get some schooling…..U.S.S.R. stands for the full name of UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS.-In a study of types of governments, both “Socialist” and “Communism” would be in the “Totalitarian” category.(Not what our USA founders designed and created in 1787)

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    Hmm, Ramirez has definitely been possessed by the ghost of Joe McCarthy!! While blinded by Donald (Nurenberg rally) Trump at the same time.

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    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    And the Birch Society lives through the Koch brothers, hanging on to Daddy’s organization and thought process.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 8 years ago

    It takes a special kind of obliviousness to confuse Swedish type social welfare with Stalinism.

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    -this website explains the history and meaning of the Hammer and Sickle emblem adopted 1918 by the 5th Session of Soviets. -Moscow artist Yevgeny Kamzolkin, a religious man who was not a communist, designed the symbol.-The Hammer represented industrial workers, the Sickle the farmworkers.-Democratic (the people rule) social welfare is an “infant” form of not-yet-totalitarian “socialism”…..but Socialism and Communism and Fascism are totalitarian government forms.All remove individual rights, all consolidate a central authority that rules the entire country. All murder political opponents, and murder citizens either directly or by deliberate starvation programs. The USSR and Mao’s Red Chinese outlawed religion and tried to make the State the god of the nation.State Terror controls the populations.-Some Americans seem to need re-education in the blessings of Freedom and Liberty and human rights the USA was founded to establish, and God blessed America and that is why the oppressed worldwide saw the USA as Reagan described it….“A City Set on a Hill”……attracting more immigrants than we need, as our recent native-born citizens, mis-taught in the Liberal Public School system, abandon our protective laws and begin to support “open borders”…-But correct teaching of actual facts about our type of government is still available, reprinted or updated OLD TEXTBOOKS; and the 1950s John Birch Society did teach correct American history! Today conservatives like the Heritage Foundation and Hillsdale College still teach truth about American government philosophy.

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  12. Bouncing moonwalker
    Anweir88  over 8 years ago

    Are you seriously trotting out the “No True Scotsman” fallacy as your argument?

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    ED CANTWELL  over 8 years ago

    Nice drawing, REALLY silly point. Dude! It’s not 1963 any more. That “Commie” crap just doesn’t have the punch for the under 70 crowd. You need to up your game a bit to stay relevant outside the retirement communities. Communes?

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    clayusmcret Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I thought we were told 56 to go?

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I think he just gets a thrill out of saying, “Scotsman.”

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    Saddenedby Premium Member over 8 years ago


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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    @Night-Gaunt49…-to reply, Hungary was one of many socialist or communist states using the hammer & sickle emblem. The USSR adopted it officially in the summer of 1918 and look at their “human rights” record!-Your slander of Heritage and the JBS slopped over on to me personally=1. I am Bible Fundamentalist, and NOT A DOMINIONIST.2. The USA was founded to be a secular government but intended to be friendly to Christianity and freedom for all citizens. Meaning: NO STATE CHURCH. Settlers fled state church states in England and Europe. State Churches created in the 400 AD era by what is today the Catholic Church.3. Most of our founders and most US Presidents were Christian or friendly to the Faith of the Bible.4. for posters in knowing both sides of the Birch Society, the url is www.jbs.org/I printed out Robert Welch bio: in the late 1950s he saw the spread of communism and decided at age 58 to form the EDUCATIONAL organization and named it for U.S. Captain Birch.Welch graduated high school age 12, graduated the U of N.Carolina, studied at the US Naval Academy, in 1919 entered Harvard Law School and left in 1922, fed up with a Marxist professor, Felix Frankfurter!In business and retired 1956.-Here are the really scarey principles of the John Birch Society= 1. to bring about less government, more responsibility, and WITH GOD’S HELP a better world by providing leadership, education, and organized volunteer action in accordance with moral and Constitutional principles-Shock and Awe! What a dangerous group of Americans!-Goals= Preserving Individual Rights & National Independenceand Restoring the Constitution. “The JBS endorses the US Constitution as the foundation of our national government and works toward educating and activating Americans to abide by the original intent of the Founding Fathers. We seek to awaken a sleeping and apathetic people concerning the designs of those who are working to destroy our constitutional Republic.”-Really Scarey! (p.s. I am not a “joiner” but I support in spirit the principles of any organization with like-minded goals)

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    @lopaka….Yes, and our prisons are filled with “innocent” citizens, just ask them.

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    FishDog93  over 8 years ago

    Yes it’s all Reagan’s fault! LMAO!!!!

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