On command and on demand.You little stinker, you.
I don’t understand the obsession with eating baby parts… why do people say that?
Excellent timing, kid.
Defecation as a weapon… I wonder what the age limit is on that?
Oh to be able to express your opinion of someone like Dougie does!
Squeeze,and you shall receive.
Well played, Dougie, well played.
Kid’s got this sh*t figured out!
Actually according to ‘That A Baby’ that is called ‘blork’ and it can elevate the child almost two feet in the air if not higher
Brian Anderson
Ida No almost 9 years ago
On command and on demand.You little stinker, you.
Sheila Hardie almost 9 years ago
I don’t understand the obsession with eating baby parts… why do people say that?
blunebottle almost 9 years ago
Excellent timing, kid.
WoodEye almost 9 years ago
Defecation as a weapon… I wonder what the age limit is on that?
unclebob53703 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
prince valiant Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Oh to be able to express your opinion of someone like Dougie does!
Not Again almost 9 years ago
Squeeze,and you shall receive.
SallyLin almost 9 years ago
Well played, Dougie, well played.
Kirk Barnes Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Kid’s got this sh*t figured out!
Quabaculta almost 9 years ago
Actually according to ‘That A Baby’ that is called ‘blork’ and it can elevate the child almost two feet in the air if not higher