Adam: Hey Gumbo. Wanna go work out with me in the garage? It's good to have a fitness buddy to help keep you accountable. You're right. Having a pre-fitness snack buddy is also important.
That’s ok, we won’t hold that against you. I wish my job kept me in shape. I just joined a gym open after my 2nd shift job, looking forward to working out after work.
Steven Wright almost 9 years ago
This is why Adam can’t lose weight, he does his crunches one handful at a time.
Jeff0811 almost 9 years ago
my fitness buddy is a cat
That’s ok, we won’t hold that against you. I wish my job kept me in shape. I just joined a gym open after my 2nd shift job, looking forward to working out after work.
Perkycat almost 9 years ago
Well, at least he is dressing for exercise and thinking about exercise. Gumbo is just happy with snacks.
neverenoughgold almost 9 years ago
PITA chips?
Enter.Name.Here almost 9 years ago
Adam does a good job of keeping in shape. Too bad it’s the shape of a pear.