Frank and Ernest by Thaves for March 15, 2016

  1. Beautiful tree and river1
    TREEINTHEWIND  almost 9 years ago

    My head and it seem to have met a mutual compatibility area……..

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  2. Beautiful tree and river1
    TREEINTHEWIND  almost 9 years ago

    I always wonder who is in charge of the sweeps……… they can’t seem to get it right and have to keep doing it over…….

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  3. Beautiful tree and river1
    TREEINTHEWIND  almost 9 years ago

    Who has the remote?

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  4. 1988 06 05edit
    awgiedawgie Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Nature abhors a vacuum. So do dogs.

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  5. Wildcat cub trotting ing grass
    Tigdi  almost 9 years ago

    “Sweeps” periods are: February, May, July and November.

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    neverenoughgold  almost 9 years ago

    Uh huh…

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    tbally57  almost 9 years ago

    Sweeps is when local stations and especially the local news gets rated to set advertising rates until the next Sweeps in the months shown above. The networks help their affiliates by putting on special episodes or cliffhangers and the local news does more investigative stories or anything with sex involved to get attention. The other weeks of the year the networks shows are rated and all is now complicated by the use of DVRs and Tivo to time shift shows to when the viewer can watch.

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    Thomas & Tifffany Connolly  almost 9 years ago

    Black hole!

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  9. Popeye
    adrianrune  almost 9 years ago

    Sweep weeks are right up there with the local Public Television Stations raising funds (although I love and support Public Television). Showing special programming to attract viewers; programming you probably won’t see again until the next sweeps. But with Public TV, they either delay my favorite programs or preempt them.

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    hippogriff  almost 9 years ago

    Adrian RuneAnd replace the ones we like with boilerplate of “stars” dead for decades..Jim KernerThe worst is the Dallas PBS fundraiser preempting a great little half hour weekly called Religion and Ethics, and others for two weeks and three weekends of Mammon.

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    K M  almost 9 years ago

    One of the first (if not the first) FCC Commissioners infamously referred to TV as a vast wasteland. Looking around the TV landscape these days, I’m convinced he didn’t know the half of it.

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