Leaky. Remember when we were having some pf our posts vanishing? Then I got flagged off for two or three days?
Same MO. and i don’t remember his name but i seem to remember a 22 after the name. Anyhow, he posted commentd for a while like everyone else, then went viral.
Joe (Joe() something? It looks and sounds like him.
Okay, Ladies, in 1964 I was dancing to this song ib Conrad. Loved dancing in those days.
“Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone.
Let’s pretend that we’re together all alone.
I’ll tell the man to turn the jukebox way down low,
And you can tell that friend there with you he’ll have to go.”
Never really followed the Beatles, but when I went to work at my last job in 1992, they seranaded me with “Rita the Meter Maid”…..the only time I ever heard that one. LOL.
Slim….how about “Great Balls of Fire”? that will wake everyone up!!!!! I can still dance to that one!!!
Morning Jan! I didn’t reply to your post about the Miller CD’s yesterday. I discovered the Big Band Era about 1960. I have a large collection of LP’s featuring those marvelous bands and singers, as well as many CD’s. My prized items are two albums of 45’s, limited editions, and an album of 33 1/3’s, limited edition. All are in excellent condition. The 45’s are from Miller’s late evening radio broadcasts and his Army Air Force band broadcasts. The 33 1/3’s also includes several of his radio broadcasts before he went into the Army. I can put those records on, lean back, and enjoy real music.
Well, it was Friday night and I was goin’ to town,
But long about ten I started runnin’ down.
Far as I know, it’s always been this way,
The harder you work, the less you can play.
(A Working Man’s Lament)
i couldn’t believe how tired I was last night!!? Definately not from worling too hard.
ML, I went looking to see what I had in my music books. and of course I found “Great Balls of Fire” in one. I need to pay more attention to my books and quit improvising all the time for fun.
Got the words now, but I’ll save them for a new day.
leakysqueaky712 over 14 years ago
Good Morning Marg,VistaBill.Slim , and all the Vagabonds
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
Hello everybody. time to …… what ever?
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Morning Ladies and Gents!
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 14 years ago
Good morning Leaky, Margueritem, ML, Slim, and all the others!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Hi, LS, Slim & VBill!
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
Leaky. Remember when we were having some pf our posts vanishing? Then I got flagged off for two or three days?
Same MO. and i don’t remember his name but i seem to remember a 22 after the name. Anyhow, he posted commentd for a while like everyone else, then went viral.
Joe (Joe() something? It looks and sounds like him.
MontanaLady over 14 years ago
Hey, Vagabonders……it’s Friday night, almost Saturday!!!!
Time to party! Get this week end going!!!
Come on down to “The Place” and start some jammin’!!!!
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
Okay, Ladies, in 1964 I was dancing to this song ib Conrad. Loved dancing in those days.
“Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone. Let’s pretend that we’re together all alone. I’ll tell the man to turn the jukebox way down low, And you can tell that friend there with you he’ll have to go.”
That’s Conrad Montana.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 14 years ago
Give me the directions, ML!
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 14 years ago
Shirttail Slim said, “Joe (Joe() something? It looks and sounds like him.”
Good ole Joe Doty?
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Hi, MLady!
leakysqueaky712 over 14 years ago
Slim…….I remember. But thats not him. You’re thinking of Joe Doty.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
I just read it. I must be a little slow lately.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Those posts are not anything like who we know. IMHO
leakysqueaky712 over 14 years ago
Good grief, he was the common denominator in most arguments here. Notice how less stressful its become.
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
MontanaLady said:
“Time to partyy!!! Get this weekend going!!!
Come in down to “The Place” and start some jammin’!!!!
I can sing some oldies, my choice. Maybe some Beatles?How do I get there? Is it near the hotel, or over across the tracks? I’ll bring my duitar!!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
But once in a while it was good for a laugh or two! :^)
margueritem over 14 years ago
A big ‘hi’, followed by a goodnight. I”m passing out here. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
margueritem over 14 years ago
Party hearty!
leakysqueaky712 over 14 years ago
N’ite all.
MontanaLady over 14 years ago
Never really followed the Beatles, but when I went to work at my last job in 1992, they seranaded me with “Rita the Meter Maid”…..the only time I ever heard that one. LOL.
Slim….how about “Great Balls of Fire”? that will wake everyone up!!!!! I can still dance to that one!!!
MontanaLady over 14 years ago
Well, gang, this is it….almost midnight…
Now it’s time to say good bye to all our fam-ill-lee….
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
Has anyone seen SmithRA recently????
I better check on him.
And I am having trouble keeping m eyes open. My jaws are atarting to ache from so much yawning. Sorry. :-((
SWEETBILL over 14 years ago
GM everyone I’am about12hrs late..
as ML said yesterday ” it’s FRIDAY ,time to party”
We’ll I guess I did real good…………… :-)
JanLC over 14 years ago
Happy Saturday!!!!!!!
browngsa over 14 years ago
Morning Jan! I didn’t reply to your post about the Miller CD’s yesterday. I discovered the Big Band Era about 1960. I have a large collection of LP’s featuring those marvelous bands and singers, as well as many CD’s. My prized items are two albums of 45’s, limited editions, and an album of 33 1/3’s, limited edition. All are in excellent condition. The 45’s are from Miller’s late evening radio broadcasts and his Army Air Force band broadcasts. The 33 1/3’s also includes several of his radio broadcasts before he went into the Army. I can put those records on, lean back, and enjoy real music.
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
Well, it was Friday night and I was goin’ to town, But long about ten I started runnin’ down. Far as I know, it’s always been this way, The harder you work, the less you can play.
(A Working Man’s Lament)
i couldn’t believe how tired I was last night!!? Definately not from worling too hard.
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
MontanaLady said:
“Slim,…. How about “Great Balls Of Fire”? that will wake everyone up!!!!! I can still dance to that one!!!”
I can’t sing it, don’t know the words but, I sure can remember hearing and seeing (video) ole Jerry Lee singin’ and playin’ it. Wild.
Nor can I dance anymore, and I miss that, too. Like my mentor says, “Agin’ ain/t for sissies”. :-)))
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 14 years ago
ML wanted…
Jerry Lee Lewis…”Great Balls of Fire”…
MontanaLady over 14 years ago
VB just checkin’ in, and found your tune……
Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire!!!!!!!!
Woo Hoo….takes me back
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
ML, I went looking to see what I had in my music books. and of course I found “Great Balls of Fire” in one. I need to pay more attention to my books and quit improvising all the time for fun.
Got the words now, but I’ll save them for a new day.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 14 years ago
MontanaLady said, “VB just checkin’ in, and found your tune…… Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo….takes me back Thanks!!!!!”
You’re welcome, ML. Jerry Lee Lewis was before my time, but I always enjoy seeing him perform…