I remember exactly where I was the day LBJohnson had Kennedy murdered. I had just gotten out of gym class. Crooks have ruled our government ever since.
Truman was the last great president. SInce then we have had a mixed bag of mediocre to terrible presidents. Obama could be a great one. Time will tell. We have two recent presidents contending for the bottom 10 all time: Carter and W. Bush. The elder Bush and Ike were decent but we could have done without Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton and W. Bush. JFK died before he could show what he could do and LBJ made a mess of Vietnam.
Donald Benson Premium Member over 14 years ago
Amazing but true: They did a similar gag when Herbert Hoover when he was first elected.
Colt9033 over 14 years ago
He be mowed down by Security forces if were modern times.
Yukoneric over 14 years ago
Good ole Harry. THERE was a PREZ!
davidf42 over 14 years ago
One of the best presidents we ever had.
WORDMAN33 over 14 years ago
david, a statement like that can open a whole can of worms, my choice would be John F. Kennedy.
Dkram over 14 years ago
Jimmy Carter the best President I didn’t vote for.
wicky over 14 years ago
Carter? Kennedy? …….Lord how I miss George Bush!
fastvega over 14 years ago
Compared to the boob we have now, Pee Wee Herman would have been a great president.
jppjr over 14 years ago
Give me Ronald Reagan any day.
Tsali-Queyi over 14 years ago
I remember exactly where I was the day LBJohnson had Kennedy murdered. I had just gotten out of gym class. Crooks have ruled our government ever since.
brklnbern over 14 years ago
Fastvega and Catman, great comments.
Sherlock Watson over 14 years ago
Maybe the Secret Service agents thought they were seeing things.
SmokyStover over 14 years ago
Truman was the last great president. SInce then we have had a mixed bag of mediocre to terrible presidents. Obama could be a great one. Time will tell. We have two recent presidents contending for the bottom 10 all time: Carter and W. Bush. The elder Bush and Ike were decent but we could have done without Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton and W. Bush. JFK died before he could show what he could do and LBJ made a mess of Vietnam.