Reality Check by Dave Whamond for April 16, 2016

  1. Don martin 1
    Farside99  about 8 years ago

    Boy, is that the truth! Somebody ought to invent a dustpan with a bit of suction on it for that last bit of leftover dust.

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  2. Peam thumb
    Peam Premium Member about 8 years ago

    True Grit – a true tale of dust resistance.

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  3. 00712 whiteheron
    whiteheron  about 8 years ago

    Phssh!, That’s what rugs are for.

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  4. Missing large
    sfreader1  about 8 years ago

    I use my little hand-held Dustbuster.

     •  Reply
  5. Nowyoulisten
    zeexenon  about 8 years ago

    My pop showed me how to do this, and I’m proud to say he only had to holler at me for a couple of years to get it right. You slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 9-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 9-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 9-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 9-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 9-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 9-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 9-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 9-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 9-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 9-degrees to the line, sweep, slide the pan 90-degrees to the line, sweep, until the limit—> infinity.

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  6. Missing large
    wildfiregal  about 8 years ago

    looks like they drew a line in the sand…er….dust

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  7. Img 7448
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 8 years ago

    As you are sweeping the last of the dust into the pan, slowly pull the pan back away from the broom a little bit. The bristles of the broom propel the dust/dirt over the edge of the pan and into it.If you use that maneuver a couple of times it will get most of what is left.

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  8. Baby angel with roses a
    Ushindi  about 8 years ago

    Or, if you’re a divorced man living alone (like me), just don’t worry about it.:-)

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  9. Missing large
    dcp9142  about 8 years ago

    Hey, hey, LBJ, HOW MANY KIDS DIDJA KILL TADAY?At last as popular as Hell no, we won’t go. Anybody remember what the chant means?

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  10. Mr b 3 10 15 11
    zippykatz  about 8 years ago

    Vietnam War protests.

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  11. Baby angel with roses a
    Ushindi  about 8 years ago

    Dust pans? DUST PANS? We don’t got no dust pans! We don’t need no steenkin’ dust pans!

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