Never mind the reading level, trying to explain to the youngest children what was meant by their stupid smutty remarks aimed at each other, or why they would say such things, should be downright embarrassing (actually at any age)..Imagine our president treating leaders of other countries like that.
not suitable for children – why? is it because they are so ‘childish’?so far the quality of the debates and debaters is two steps below the ‘reality’ shows and their so called ‘reality’
Just my opinion, but it could be that the practical utility of debates has been exceeded (duh?). Seems like 2-3 is enough to reveal the candidates’ improvisational skills, etc, to the voters. The rest is just theater. Town hall type events are much more useful to me…..the candidate and the voters.
*Space Madness at The Station* almost 9 years ago
From the New Department.
Gigantor almost 9 years ago
Why not? According to one analysis using the Flesch-Kincaid test, Trump speaks on a third grade level.
californicated1 almost 9 years ago
Considering the vocabulary used by the candidates is geared toward a third-grade reading level and comprehension, how can it not be for children?
CO Premium Member almost 9 years ago
The … goes on to say “or adults”.
pelican47 almost 9 years ago
Never mind the reading level, trying to explain to the youngest children what was meant by their stupid smutty remarks aimed at each other, or why they would say such things, should be downright embarrassing (actually at any age)..Imagine our president treating leaders of other countries like that.
tsandl almost 9 years ago
Better send the candidates home, then.
Saddenedby Premium Member almost 9 years ago
not suitable for children – why? is it because they are so ‘childish’?so far the quality of the debates and debaters is two steps below the ‘reality’ shows and their so called ‘reality’
Toonerific almost 9 years ago
Warning: The comments on this strip may not be suitable reading for children …
neverenoughgold almost 9 years ago
Monkey say as monkeys do…
grumper13 almost 9 years ago
Just my opinion, but it could be that the practical utility of debates has been exceeded (duh?). Seems like 2-3 is enough to reveal the candidates’ improvisational skills, etc, to the voters. The rest is just theater. Town hall type events are much more useful to me…..the candidate and the voters.
comicpat65 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
These days it doesn’t seem suitable for anybody.
paullp Premium Member almost 9 years ago
It may be new, but it isn’t news. And they surely aren’t suitable for intelligent adults, either.
mourdac Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Wouldn’t want my grandkids thinking they could act that way.