Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 29, 2010
Mike: What if? No, better not go there... Alex: Wow... we're up 25% just in the last quarter? Kim: Yup, and check out the comparatives - we're smoking! The inventory software you wrote last summer really made a difference, Alex! Mike: Did it ever! Our fulfillments are now twice as fast, and customers notice! Our base has grown so quickly we've had to make 30 new warehouse hires just since January! Alex: Dad? We're going to have to let you go. Kim: Hey! I said maybe. Mike's summer daydream.
ksoskins over 14 years ago
Some family businesses do well and some don’t. Someone sometimes winds up with a horse’s head in the bed next to him; someone sometimes winds up with the other end of the horse in the bed next to her.
Ravenswing over 14 years ago
Eh, don’t knock the Summer Daydream. He’s in Seattle in the first place because the Daydream became real one year.
Sandfan over 14 years ago
Time to bring Duke in as a consultant.
Weakstream over 14 years ago
Dads starting to gray a bit. Looks good.
peter0423 over 14 years ago
Mike must be the only person left on Earth who wears pince-nez instead of eyeglasses.
Daa over 14 years ago
So what’s the business?
corzak over 14 years ago
SCAATY you’re right! We don’t see many pince-nez anymore … and I NEVER see monocles.
Col. Clink was the last one I remember.
FriscoLou over 14 years ago
Does Mike’s nose look more like a popsicle stick or a sideways diving board in pane 6?
Time for Mike to check out Bernie.
milano99 over 14 years ago
Looks like a popsicle stick to me in panes 2, 7, and 8 as well.
Dragoncat over 14 years ago
Wouldn’t it be nice if this daydream turned out to be reality?
I mean, it’s happened before right?
Dragoncat over 14 years ago
All that talk about Lacey Davenport has me thinking…
I can’t help but wonder what became of Jeremy Cavendish. I mean, sure he was an idiot and a jerk…especially when it came to Lacey’s will and funeral. But still…
countoftowergrove over 14 years ago
In panel 2 Mike looks like Garrison Keillor.
SuperGriz over 14 years ago
That’s usually the case.