Clay Jones for August 06, 2010

  1. Horsey
    ANandy  almost 14 years ago

    Christians loudly led the denouncement of every perpitrator who justified a violent act committed as being an act of conscience.

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  2. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  almost 14 years ago

    ^Many Christians did. But sadly, many others applauded or qualified their condemnations by adding, “…but they deserved it.”

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  3. Marx lennon
    charliekane  almost 14 years ago

    Nan steppin’ on that third rail again!

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  4. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Wow, this is a VERY good point. VERY good point. Kudos Clay Jones.

    Fact: Abortion Clinics are bombed by zealous “pro-Lifers” or receive bomb and/or death threats often.

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  5. Horsey
    ANandy  almost 14 years ago

    cdward said: “Many Christians did. But sadly, many others applauded or qualified their condemnations by adding, ‘…but they deserved it.’”

    ANandy replies: No Christian familiar to me even came close to condoning any illegal act. Perhaps you are defining Christian too loosley. My tenets, and those of likemind heed the instruction found in 1 Peter 2:13-17, Romans 13:1-7,Titus 3:1-7, and elsewhere. Any who believe otherewise are heretics.

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  6. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ^ When inconvenient, try to remove the association. Classic.

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  7. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Some Muslim leaders have denounced violence, as ANandy is doing. It’s good, in both cases, to let outsiders know that the violent don’t speak for the faith. It would be better if both did more to convince their own.

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  8. Horsey
    ANandy  almost 14 years ago

    Jade said: ” When inconvenient, try to remove the association. Classic.”

    ANandy responds: Your point? Or are you just shooting off your mouth? I define the basis for my conviction. How does this measure up with anything found in the Koran, or the authority for your faith, if it exists?

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  9. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ^ For the same reason there is so much anti-Muslim sentiment. If, supposedly, we shouldn’t be tolerant of Muslims because of some Islamic extremists, why should Christianity get a free pass? Or do you denounce the statements made against the attempt to build a Mosque in New York?

    Does my Christian faith not exist because I am not straight and white (Curse of Ham, and what-not)? Would anyone against gay marriage not fit under the Christian umbrella, seeing as such prejudice is against the New Testament?

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  10. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 14 years ago

    Hitting a little too close to home for some of the ‘faithful’.

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    swellz  almost 14 years ago

    Jade rules

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 14 years ago

    the difference is that Islamic radical imams teach members of a mosque to do violence against “infidels” to obey the Koran on orders of Allah.

    Jewish rabbis and Christian pastors, if faithful to the scriptures of the Bible, never teach anyone that God orders violence to anyone. The Bible’s God teaches forgiveness of enemies in personal life, while expecting civil rulers to use force to enforce good laws to protect citizens, and to defend the nation against enemies intending to invade and kill.

    the WTCenter and D.C. was attacked by radical Islamic Jihadists, following Muslim Wahhabe teachings.

    Bible Jews and Bible Christians are not violent people. Fundamental Muslims are violent people…check out the shar’ia laws…including “honor killings” of women and girls who are victims of males raping them! And even less…the news today showed the 9-11 call of 2 daughters being shot to death by their father because the girls were adopting Western culture! The father is still free, not found or arrested for the crime here in the USA.

    Get the facts straight, please.

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  13. Horsey
    ANandy  almost 14 years ago

    Jade said: ” For the same reason there is so much anti-Muslim sentiment. If, supposedly, we shouldn’t be tolerant of Muslims because of some Islamic extremists, why should Christianity get a free pass? Or do you denounce the statements made against the attempt to build a Mosque in New York? Does my Christian faith not exist because I am not straight and white (Curse of Ham, and what-not)? Would anyone against gay marriage not fit under the Christian umbrella, seeing as such prejudice is against the New Testament?”

    ANandy queries: What ARE you mumbling about? I condemned violent, illegal acts by individuals. I cited the authority as the basis for which I believe. What has that to do with a single word of your posts here, or you going out of your way to be argumentative? If you disagree and can cite a better authority, you are welcome to try. Since you brought it up, the extremists are those willing to assimilate and tolerate western society, at least for now. Remember how the 9/11 participants became invisible, willing to become infidels until the time came? You appear to be very unfamilar with the tolerance of non-Mohammedans in countries where the State Religion is Mohammedanism. What they would like us to consider a religion is in reality an entire social, legal, economic structure. They are here to take over. They take advantage of our tolerance, which is really stupidity.

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    crmorris1957 Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Yeah … about those Christian pastors: most of us have seen videos of some of these good “evangelical Christians” preaching death to the infidels too. They cherry pick the Bible to justify themselves just like any other extremist group. I wish it were that simple that the New Testament teaches love, acceptance, charity, etc.

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  15. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ^ The Crusaders were Christian.

    “Jewish rabbis and Christian pastors, if faithful to the scriptures of the Bible, never teach anyone that God orders violence to anyone.”

    Which scripture? New Testament or Old Testament? Anyone who is vehemently anti-gay, for example, is preaching Old Testament hatred. Is Pat Robertson not a Christian? He said the Haitians brought their calamities upon themselves. Same with New Orleans.

    “Bible Jews and Bible Christians are not violent people. Fundamental Muslims are violent people…check out the shar’ia laws…including “honor killings” of women and girls who are victims of males raping them!”

    Fundie Christians believe that a woman cannot have an abortion, even in cases of rape or incest. Ask Palin, or Ron Paul, for example. But interesting you should bring that up. Did you know the Bible calls for the death of disobedient children?

    “The Bible’s God teaches forgiveness of enemies in personal life, while expecting civil rulers to use force to enforce good laws to protect citizens”

    You can’t be an evangelical Republican with that mentality.

    “And even less…the news today showed the 9-11 call of 2 daughters being shot to death by their father because the girls were adopting Western culture!”

    Here’s one for you: a 14 year old brought a gun to school that he took from his parents and shot a kid in the back of the head while they were seated during class. The victim? A gay boy that came to school dressed as a girl. The murderer had been raised with a “gays are bad” mantra. The same mantra taught by Reverend Phelps who believes we should have a “shoot a f**” day, and the marriage equality opponents who hold up signs saying gays will bring about another Sodom and Gomorrah, when that is actually the story of pride and gluttony. I can also include plenty of horror stories of transgendered children and Conservative parents, where they try to “beat” the “evil spirits” out of them. No “girly boys” or “macho girls” in this house! Or again, how ANandy and other Righties here have repeatedly questioned my faith and lumped me in with Atheists merely because I was born with a different orientation.

    There’re about 1.5+Billion Muslims, interesting that there aren’t landscapes full of dead women.

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  16. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    “Bible Jews and Bible Christians are not violent people. Fundamental Muslims are violent people…check out the shar’ia laws…including “honor killings” of women and girls who are victims of males raping them! And even less…the news today showed the 9-11 call of 2 daughters being shot to death by their father because the girls were adopting Western culture! The father is still free, not found or arrested for the crime here in the USA.”

    On what rock have you been living under? A thing like that happened in Canada, father and son are now in prison (canadian prison, but still prison). In any western country where something like that, murder charges are pressed. Murder is murder, and if the cops from your place are too soft for enforcing that, it’s their problem.

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  17. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    “(canadian prison, but still prison).”

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  18. Horsey
    ANandy  almost 14 years ago

    Jade said: “Or again, how ANandy and other Righties here have repeatedly questioned my faith and lumped me in with Atheists merely because I was born with a different orientation.”

    ANandy replies: More irrelevance and generalization. Speaking for myself, cite a single instance when I lumped you with Athiests. Each is accountable only for oneself. It is interesting though, that you profess a faith but are unwilling to define or describe an authority for it, but that’s your business. I find many profess a Christian faith, but fail to demonstrate any conviction. They are those infidels point to and “aha”, as mentioned in posts here.

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  19. Canstock3682698
    myming  almost 14 years ago

    ANANDY -

    it should be pro choice - just like your postings…

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  20. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ANandy, locating the posts would probably be difficult considering they have a tendency to disappear, suffice it to say that, despite your tongue-in-cheek questioning of my beliefs in the sentences following your “when have I ever” it’s been brought up before. No, I cannot give you exact quotes or exact dates.

    “Listen guys, if you get a woman pregnant and she has an abortion that’s your fault, not her fault; and it’s her decision, not yours.”

    Cheers. :)

    “Wow. Jade. you really are frisky today! You go, girl!”

    Judge Walker has made me feel all sorts of frisky. :D
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  21. Horsey
    ANandy  almost 14 years ago

    Jade said: “ANandy, locating the posts would probably be difficult considering they have a tendency to disappear, suffice it to say that, despite your tongue-in-cheek questioning of my beliefs in the sentences following your ‘when have I ever’ it’s been brought up before. No, I cannot give you exact quotes or exact dates.”

    Anandy replies: An admission of empty rhetoric, immature, snarky blather, typical of your posts. A debate coach would advise: don’t introduce a subject without evidence to support your claim. What gave you the idea my remarks are insincere? Your desire to dismiss them? You chose to involve yourself in my remarks, and then introduced your beliefs in a post directed at me. You made it personal. Shame, shame, shame. I expect an apology.

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