Brian McFadden for April 05, 2016

  1. Scan0098  2
    charliefarmrhere  over 8 years ago

    So Mister? (Ms.?) Brian Mcfadden, I guess that me as a genetic male, you would like it for me to be able to legally cruise the ladies restrooms, & maybe even shower with them at a gym or wherever, as long as I “claim” to “identify” as a female trapped in a male body. After all, who is to claim I am not? Don’t you think this is taking political correctness BS to the ridiculous enth degree? Before you think me as a bigot, my gay stepson resides in my home with his male spouse.

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  2. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  over 8 years ago

    Corporations have better morals than republicons do.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    The real concern isn’t just North Carolina, but the fact such idiocy is being spread across the nation! Hmm, it’s called the Trump dump.

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  4. Scan0098  2
    charliefarmrhere  over 8 years ago

    @Christopher Shea—-The problem is not with transgender, but those pretending to be. There have been numerous news stories about the pervert types caught trying to peep or take photos of women in womens restrooms. You now want to make that legal? @nance 19-oped—-I am not sure of how that law is written, & it may make exceptions if a sex change surgery is done. I would expect a person to use the correct bathroom according to how they are presently “equipped”.@ Night-Gaunt49—-I DO have a 50 year old Gay stepson named Michael residing with his 47 year old spouse Mike, at my home in the Pensacola, FL area, & I attended their wedding last year in Destin, FL when FL made it legal for gay marriages. So NO, it is not made up, nor is the rest of my comment. With todays legal system, tell me how you are going to disprove a pervert of either gender, from claiming they are simply “identifying” as the opposite gender, just so they can legally do what has been always considered to be perverted & against the law?

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  5. Scan0098  2
    charliefarmrhere  over 8 years ago

    I don’t know what this “fear” is you speak of. I am 71 & it doesn’t affect me one way or another. I just know the likely probability of what will happen, & most likely has happened in the past, but not much publicized.

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  6. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 8 years ago

    A lot of Republicans are wanting to line up to check what is in your pants. i don’t know why they are so interested – you would think the party of NO would understand small government and staying out of people’s lives. Apparently, they just want to have a look in your undies.

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