To Earl, the cat is just another mouth to feed.
Earl may be Opal’s meal ticket, but she has to fix the meal.
In the days when women weren’t expected to work outside the home, a friend serving in WWII wrote to his wife, “your meal ticket has been punched”. This was code meaning he had been injured.
Llewellenbruce over 14 years ago
You ain’t the world to me Opal.
kreole over 14 years ago
Somebody got that cat’s number! (In fact, all cats)
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Where’s the love, Muffin?
wetidlerjr over 14 years ago
[anaconda]Here, kitty, kitty, kitty…[/anaconda]
buckleylover Premium Member over 14 years ago
That is soooo “cat.”
jtviper7 over 14 years ago
True story… If you own a cat for years and move next store. As long as the people who bought your old house feed that cat… the cat’s not moving.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Reality strikes!
marvee over 14 years ago
To Earl, the cat is just another mouth to feed. Earl may be Opal’s meal ticket, but she has to fix the meal. In the days when women weren’t expected to work outside the home, a friend serving in WWII wrote to his wife, “your meal ticket has been punched”. This was code meaning he had been injured.