The air conditioned dog house. That was big news for a while. On the surface, big deal. Until you realized the Jimmy was bilking his dirt poor followers out of their grocery money to pay for the dog house
I was living in NC during the rise and fall of Tammy and Jim. Looking back, it seems almost surreal the scam they pulled on people….all in the name of God. Such a wasted life they had.
Yeah, yeah-- happy hollandaise. More rubber gravy? 10 months ago
Exposure did little for the natives’ stomachs, either.
Dave427 10 months ago
Wow, that’s going back a few decades.
Imagine 10 months ago
Alien invasion or evangelicals? Decisions, decisions.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 10 months ago
Weird to think Tammy Faye actually redeemed her reputation a lot. Behind the scamming it seems there was an actual decent person.
PaulAbbott2 10 months ago
The air conditioned dog house. That was big news for a while. On the surface, big deal. Until you realized the Jimmy was bilking his dirt poor followers out of their grocery money to pay for the dog house
Painted Wolf 10 months ago
My favorite, extremely poor taste, very not politically correct, Tammy Fae joke:
Q: What’s the real reason why Tammy Fae wears so much makeup?
A: She’s really black, and doesn’t want to embarrass her family.
Egrayjames 10 months ago
I was living in NC during the rise and fall of Tammy and Jim. Looking back, it seems almost surreal the scam they pulled on people….all in the name of God. Such a wasted life they had.
prince valiant Premium Member 10 months ago
One of Berkeley’s bests. He nailed Jim and Tammy.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member 10 months ago
Much worse than Vogon Poetry, isn’t it!!
aerotica69 10 months ago
I understand most alien species seal the airlocks and speed right past our solar system.
Alexander the Good Enough 10 months ago
I always respected and admired the fact that dear Tammy Faye didn’t stop with just painting her face, she drywalled it!
Bob Blumenfeld 10 months ago
Looks like Berke took inspiration from Star Wars for that helmet.
Eric S 10 months ago
I think they’re both in Hell. Neither of them seemed to follow or represent the true Jesus, but instead a gospel made by mankind, and of money.
dogday Premium Member 10 months ago
Now THAT was funny! (Especially since for the first few panels I thought i was in a Calvin & Hobbes!)
dwp574 10 months ago
PTL -pass the loot. Back when this was happening the morning radio hosts in Charlotte had a field day lampooning the “pass the loot club”.
gopogogo Premium Member 10 months ago
Featuring some words you thought you’d never see on the funny pages.