I’m gonna be honest and serious right now and it’s not gonna be good: I actually care more about Garfield’s birthday more than fathers day cuz lately I’ve been feeling like I don’t have a dad anymore. Last time I saw him he wasn’t even happy to see me, I even tried hugging but he just turned it away and said he’s not happy. I was so upset, I cried afterwards. He’d rather just be alone with his new wife who was a jerk to my mom. He didn’t even bother to wish me a happy birthday! I’m just so frustrated right talking about this along with a bunch of other things! T.T Well happy b day Garfield. Here’s to another year of someone who makes me happy.
What a disappointment. For once, I was expecting a great Garfield birthday comic with all of Garfield’s friends. Oh well, they did appear last week. Anyway, Happy 38th Birthday, Garfield!
I include Garfield in my comics page more for nostalgia and GMG purposes. I know it’s hokey and I know it’s old (and yeah, I see other cartoonists sniping at it sometimes). But after this week, I have to say, this strip made me laugh aloud. I can’t remember the last time I laughed aloud at a Garfield. Happy birthday. Have some lasagna. You’ve earned it.
happy late birthday dear ol’ Garfield ;) You still make me laugh! Keep up the good work Davis. Future cartoonists (like me) are looking at you with awe. :D I’m going to keep on reading Garfield, even when I have trouble reading! ;)
Templo S.U.D. over 8 years ago
Another glorious and funny birthday to you, Garfield.
Can't Sleep over 8 years ago
I hope the top of list for birthday gifts is “longer arms.”
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member over 8 years ago
codycab over 8 years ago
I’m gonna be honest and serious right now and it’s not gonna be good: I actually care more about Garfield’s birthday more than fathers day cuz lately I’ve been feeling like I don’t have a dad anymore. Last time I saw him he wasn’t even happy to see me, I even tried hugging but he just turned it away and said he’s not happy. I was so upset, I cried afterwards. He’d rather just be alone with his new wife who was a jerk to my mom. He didn’t even bother to wish me a happy birthday! I’m just so frustrated right talking about this along with a bunch of other things! T.T Well happy b day Garfield. Here’s to another year of someone who makes me happy.
Kristiaan over 8 years ago
This hits home.
shakeswilly over 8 years ago
old age: Can’t live with it, or live long without it !
Melkior over 8 years ago
Garfield makes a spectacle of himself because he needs spectacles.
Cameron1988 Premium Member over 8 years ago
I hate to say it, but pretty lame birthday Sunday strip today. I was really expecting more out of this. oh, well, happy 38th birthday anyway, buddy!
Prey over 8 years ago
I write things down as well … and then lose the note.
bjharrington77 over 8 years ago
Chad Cheetah over 8 years ago
Happy 38th birthday, Garfield!
SpongeBob1995 over 8 years ago
What a disappointment. For once, I was expecting a great Garfield birthday comic with all of Garfield’s friends. Oh well, they did appear last week. Anyway, Happy 38th Birthday, Garfield!
mail2jbl over 8 years ago
Happy 38th Birthday, Garfield, but hopefully your next birthday will be better than this one.
h.v.greenman over 8 years ago
Item one on the list was “look for my bifocals”
imagenesis over 8 years ago
You can borrow my reading glasses!
justjam38 over 8 years ago
I understand that short arms problem. lol
mourdac Premium Member over 8 years ago
At least I don’t have to push the laptop further away so I can read the comics – thanks to being able to magnify the strips.
ctfxcer92 over 8 years ago
Happy birthday Garfield Arbuckle
alondra over 8 years ago
Been there done that, Garfield, that’s why I have to keep my reading glasses handy all the time.
timmytohns over 8 years ago
I wish this could’ve been a better strip,but happy 38th birthday Garfield.It’s only going downhill from here.
Doctor11 over 8 years ago
Happy Father’s Day! And Happy B-day to Garfield!
aquayoshi3 over 8 years ago
Love the title panel. Happy Birthday Garfield!!
bigcatbusiness over 8 years ago
Use glasses or lens, and that part of the problem will be solved too.
Number Three over 8 years ago
Why the frosty face, Jon?(Get it?)Happy Birthday, Garfield and a very Happy Father’s Day to those who deserve to be fathers.xxx
ProfMontgomery over 8 years ago
I include Garfield in my comics page more for nostalgia and GMG purposes. I know it’s hokey and I know it’s old (and yeah, I see other cartoonists sniping at it sometimes). But after this week, I have to say, this strip made me laugh aloud. I can’t remember the last time I laughed aloud at a Garfield. Happy birthday. Have some lasagna. You’ve earned it.
Cameron1988 Premium Member over 8 years ago
it was his birthday. it should’ve been a birthday strip
the humorist formerly known as Hotshot1984 Premium Member over 8 years ago
So much for that theory.
komickat over 8 years ago
happy late birthday dear ol’ Garfield ;) You still make me laugh! Keep up the good work Davis. Future cartoonists (like me) are looking at you with awe. :D I’m going to keep on reading Garfield, even when I have trouble reading! ;)
rgcviper over 8 years ago
Aging stinks, huh, Garfield? But as I always say, it beats the heck out of the alternative.
Happy Belated Birthday, buddy! (I’ve been out of town.)
coolstuff115 over 7 years ago
As a flabby, tabby orange cat born in the kitchen of an Italian restaurant, you’ve grown very old. Happy 38th birthday, Garf!
Pets of the comics almost 4 years ago
joecool1020 almost 2 years ago
That last panel has probably been used as an reaction image somewhere.