If you think (too much) about this, it doesn’t make sense.But it is still very funny!(Drac’s clock would still get him up at the same time as the previous day, and the sun would still be rising within a minute or two of the previous day, it’s just that everybody else would have already been up for an hour, or still be sleeping for another hour).
Wilde Bill over 8 years ago
Ha ha. You can’t save daylight, silly. Leave your clocks alone.
J Short over 8 years ago
He should have stayed in Arizona.
linsonl over 8 years ago
I still say that that extra hour of daylight we get adds to global warming.
xeacons over 8 years ago
One word, Drac: Curtains!
Strob Premium Member over 8 years ago
If you think (too much) about this, it doesn’t make sense.But it is still very funny!(Drac’s clock would still get him up at the same time as the previous day, and the sun would still be rising within a minute or two of the previous day, it’s just that everybody else would have already been up for an hour, or still be sleeping for another hour).
Angry Indeed Premium Member over 8 years ago
He should’ve used Coffintone, the sunblock recommended by 9 out of 10 vampires!