Gina: I just can't believe that you of all people, won the "student of the year" award!
Gina: I want details! When did this happen?
Nate: Today!
Nate: ...which, by the way, is prank day.
Dee dee: Punk'd much Gina?
Aww man. This is WAY to low level for Nate. What happened to flooding the teacher’s parking lot with pudding? Or filling the teachers lounge with packing peanuts? (Yes, he did both of those once."
Poll: who would you prefer want Nate’s next girlfriend to be?a)Dee Dee b)Gina c)Jenny d) Ruby e)Trudy once again f) nobody; you like him being single. g)other(please specify)
…and as “Buffalo” Bob Smith once famously remarked on an episode of (brief, ill-fated ’70’s version) Howdy Doody when Clarabell Clown committed the ultimate blasphemy by seltzer-blasting Happy Harmony: “The one thing that’d make THAT funnier is a pie in the face (she got THAT, too!!)!!”
Actually this was a good prank day caper. The prank was causing Gina all sorts of distress that Nate got an award that she thought obviously belonged to her. The squirting flow was just a little icing on the cake.
That felt gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.
srmcd1 over 8 years ago
Knew it!!
Tue Elung-Jensen over 8 years ago
Nah, you and others guessed at it. Personally I´d still say it is too low level for what Nate usually pulls on a prank day – even when going for Gina.
Tue Elung-Jensen over 8 years ago
Ofc there is allways the counter argument that there is nothing like the classics I guess. :p
imagarbig over 8 years ago
I KNEW it was too good to be true.
ZestyZippy over 8 years ago
Shouldn’t it be on April 1st?
Simon Seamount over 8 years ago
Is he asking her to marry him here? I think that look on her face says, “Yes!”
Willywise52 Premium Member over 8 years ago
She gots some big ol’ feet on her.
Chad Cheetah over 8 years ago
Guessed Prank Day, but not Nate spraying Gina with water…hilarious!
Chad Cheetah over 8 years ago
Will Gina try to get Nate back?
Clearstream over 8 years ago
Aww man. This is WAY to low level for Nate. What happened to flooding the teacher’s parking lot with pudding? Or filling the teachers lounge with packing peanuts? (Yes, he did both of those once."
laurac5800 over 8 years ago
Next up, it turns out that he decided to stick a gazelle wearing a sparkly red outfit in the band room.
B Dawg over 8 years ago
I guess Nate had to just “wet” Gina up a bit!!
harlequindugong1914 over 8 years ago
Water surprise, eh, Gina?
Rolf Rykken Premium Member over 8 years ago
The truth is coming ……. Nate IS Student of the Year!
iheartcomix123 over 8 years ago
I KNEW the student of the year thing was fake! Now he needs to put a flock of sheep in Principal Nichols’ office.
Irvingj over 8 years ago
That is Nate’s best prank ever.
ericbutts74 over 8 years ago
What a pair with DD as is his accomplice.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 8 years ago
We all knew it! At least her glasses didn’t come off when he did that.
Deedeeholloway2 over 8 years ago
Poll: who would you prefer want Nate’s next girlfriend to be?a)Dee Dee b)Gina c)Jenny d) Ruby e)Trudy once again f) nobody; you like him being single. g)other(please specify)
orbenjawell Premium Member over 8 years ago
…and as “Buffalo” Bob Smith once famously remarked on an episode of (brief, ill-fated ’70’s version) Howdy Doody when Clarabell Clown committed the ultimate blasphemy by seltzer-blasting Happy Harmony: “The one thing that’d make THAT funnier is a pie in the face (she got THAT, too!!)!!”
banjinshiju over 8 years ago
Actually this was a good prank day caper. The prank was causing Gina all sorts of distress that Nate got an award that she thought obviously belonged to her. The squirting flow was just a little icing on the cake.
coolstarm over 8 years ago
Gina just got schooled
ChristmasBoneCatalog over 8 years ago
How’d I forget about Prank Day lol.
Chad Cheetah over 8 years ago
Ruby- she really treated Nate kindly and fully respected him. However, there is no chance she is crossing over to the strip.
Wilde Bill over 8 years ago
Can’t tell from the picture, but I hope he got her with her mouth hanging open.
Black76Manta over 8 years ago
good one, nate
Ariferrari02 over 8 years ago
now it all makes sense
SuperJBoy1304 over 8 years ago
Well, some of us (like me) have been fooled too. Good one, Nate…
Deedeeholloway2 over 8 years ago
hold it; do gina and dee dee like each other, or not?
Bucinka over 8 years ago
She deserved it. Arrogant little snot. There’s one in every class like her. (Unfortunately for me, in my class that was often me.)
MattGT over 8 years ago
lol i thought it actually happened?
BIGNATE#EPIC281 over 8 years ago
i got fooled!!
The bluebird about 7 years ago
Get rickety wrecked, Gina.
DevilDog2001 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
I knew something was fishy!
Baby Francis Agent Of G.R.O.S.S over 5 years ago
Ohhhh, burn!
NathanMeconi about 5 years ago
That was revenge for Nate
123456789 about 5 years ago
Nice prank nate!
Sophie Schachter almost 5 years ago
This prank is too good.
ND Cool Z over 4 years ago
Or as they say in Disney XD, you just WALKED THE PRANK!!
HalberCon about 4 years ago
That felt gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.
doogy about 4 years ago
ha knew this was a prank. do be fair there is more chance the nether freezes over. (for you minecraft fans out there.)
HARMONYKILBY-NEAL almost 4 years ago
Mario Kart about 3 years ago
Aw, man, that was hilarious!
maybe a human over 2 years ago
how does the water fit?
STUFF ENJOYER 11 months ago
comicalstart 6 months ago
Episode 309