Awwwww! [sniff]
Please tell me we get to find out how they accomplished that.
Well, color me impressed! Wonder how they managed to pull it off, then.
All is well when it ends well.Nice episode.I think I am starting to get the hang of this strip, still have difficulty understanding expressions yet, but it is getting better every time.
May 03, 2017
seismic-2 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Awwwww! [sniff]
Elisabunny over 8 years ago
Please tell me we get to find out how they accomplished that.
scyphi26 over 8 years ago
Well, color me impressed! Wonder how they managed to pull it off, then.
nailer Premium Member over 8 years ago
All is well when it ends well.Nice episode.I think I am starting to get the hang of this strip, still have difficulty understanding expressions yet, but it is getting better every time.