I saw no national mention of the day the music died on the internet or printed page.
February 3, 1959. RIP Buddy and Ritchie you were a big influence on my music career. J. P. Richardson, the big bopper, not so much. J.P. Richardson, Jr. is touring and I can’t imagine what it must be like hearing the same old tired novelty tunes over and over again.
BE THIS GUY almost 8 years ago
Here you go, kid:
derdave969 almost 8 years ago
Carl Perkins: Blue Suede Shoes.
mikemapes almost 8 years ago
And now you know why the state of music today is in SAD shape
waykirk1 almost 8 years ago
I saw no national mention of the day the music died on the internet or printed page.
February 3, 1959. RIP Buddy and Ritchie you were a big influence on my music career. J. P. Richardson, the big bopper, not so much. J.P. Richardson, Jr. is touring and I can’t imagine what it must be like hearing the same old tired novelty tunes over and over again.