Only thing worse was the stupid giant plastic things that cassette tapes used to come in. At one hospital I worked in, we had a guy who had a knife slip and stabbed him in the eye trying to open one of those suckers! He was smart, didn’t pull the knife out and we were able to save both the eye and his sight!
BE THIS GUY almost 5 years ago
Less Monday... More Friday almost 5 years ago
Let the kid open it.
Caretaker24523 almost 5 years ago
Only thing worse was the stupid giant plastic things that cassette tapes used to come in. At one hospital I worked in, we had a guy who had a knife slip and stabbed him in the eye trying to open one of those suckers! He was smart, didn’t pull the knife out and we were able to save both the eye and his sight!
"It's the End of the World!!!" Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I’ve had to use tin snips or pruning shears (can’t remember which) to cut open some plastic packaging over the years.
Things will survive the apocalypse.
Diat60 almost 5 years ago
So much of the seemingly unnecessary clamshell packaging was not to protect the contents but to deter thieves in the store.
James Deveney Premium Member almost 5 years ago
The designer’s of packaging should be required to spend 8 hours, per week, opening what they created.
J Short almost 5 years ago
They should have used that stuff on the Space Shuttle Challenger.
Ken Norris Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I saw a clamshell package opener advertised once. It came in a clamshell package.
WCraft Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Of course, the contents may be flammable…