I left my ice cream unattended for a minute while I answered the door. My dachshund, Molly, saw her chance and took it. I found her on my bed, shaking like crazy. She had sucked it all down in seconds, and had massive brain freeze. Sadly for me, it did not stop her from stealing my food.
Brian Fink over 8 years ago
It’ll hurt more when Fat Broad from B.C. finds out you ate her ice cream!
streetbeater over 8 years ago
If it’s a triple scoop what’s in the fourth lump?
DessaLu over 8 years ago
I left my ice cream unattended for a minute while I answered the door. My dachshund, Molly, saw her chance and took it. I found her on my bed, shaking like crazy. She had sucked it all down in seconds, and had massive brain freeze. Sadly for me, it did not stop her from stealing my food.