Frank and Ernest by Thaves for August 07, 2016
Frank: Ernie, we need headlines for our series of articles on sports stars trying to revive their careers. Let's start with the Australian athlete. Ernie: "Boomerang thrower's comeback"! Frank: A basketball player bulked up to become competitive again. Ernie: "Hoopster muscles way to rebound"! Frank: The tennis star overcame a serious illness and is back on the court. Ernie: "Tennis champ rallies: Makes exciting return"! Frank: The skier, on the other hand, had to retire. He's a politician in a dirty election fight right now. Ernie: "Skier in new race to the bottom"!
WOODNFLINT over 8 years ago
I knew you media guys made up headlines for whatever ….. then you write the story to match.(The chicken or the egg?)
WOODNFLINT over 8 years ago
Cartoon writers write the “story” first then make up a title (Headline) for it. Who is more creative?
Perkycat over 8 years ago
However it’s done, these are funny!
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
He who s’newses, loses…