I never expected that the spinach was in question!I shall spin each question in an unexpected direction…and in Spanish, no one expecting such a quiz…so their spinach quest will fail to meet expectations.
I was looking through some old Get Fuzzys …It was drawn in 2008, was about McCain’s surprise pick for VP…..Satchel said “Nobody expects the Alaskan politician”….
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 8 years ago
I never expected that the spinach was in question!I shall spin each question in an unexpected direction…and in Spanish, no one expecting such a quiz…so their spinach quest will fail to meet expectations.
Un vaso pequiño de aqua por favor?
Varnes over 8 years ago
I was looking through some old Get Fuzzys …It was drawn in 2008, was about McCain’s surprise pick for VP…..Satchel said “Nobody expects the Alaskan politician”….
Chithing Premium Member over 8 years ago
Tie him to the rack!
shipl14 over 8 years ago
They worship the great I Yam
GROG Premium Member over 8 years ago
Poopeye, the prayer man.
Bargrove over 8 years ago
Monty Python slipped in here somehow.
Jml58 over 8 years ago
Five minutes later there were creamed spinach.