This has me wondering how hard it is to do dishes in the Meyer household. It’s not like they have to take them to the river and beat them against a rock. All either one has to say is, I’m going to load the dishwasher, can you help me out for a minute or two?
Then the appreciative spouse who received the help can say, I’m going to bed early, can you help me out for a minute or two?
Jeff0811 over 8 years ago
This has me wondering how hard it is to do dishes in the Meyer household. It’s not like they have to take them to the river and beat them against a rock. All either one has to say is, I’m going to load the dishwasher, can you help me out for a minute or two?
Then the appreciative spouse who received the help can say, I’m going to bed early, can you help me out for a minute or two?
Stephen Gilberg over 8 years ago
Add “lizard” and “Spock.” Sure, it’s nerdy, but unless you’re too nerdy to deviate from Spock, it stands a better chance of not tying.
ChessPirate over 8 years ago
If she was sure he wasn’t going to start with paper, she should have chosen rock.