Ralph: Well, let's see... I've taken 55 steps today!! June: His fitness tracker will never wear out!
Just walking back & forth to the fridge will rack up some steps. Then if he goes to Ducky’s…
Congratulations, Ralph! You have just burned up all of about two Calories; time for another donut or six, no doubt! (LOL!)
So close to success, yet still a fail.
June 19, 2015
WDemBlk Premium Member over 8 years ago
Just walking back & forth to the fridge will rack up some steps. Then if he goes to Ducky’s…
rickray777 over 8 years ago
Congratulations, Ralph! You have just burned up all of about two Calories; time for another donut or six, no doubt! (LOL!)
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 8 years ago
So close to success, yet still a fail.