Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for September 15, 2010
Mother: Porcho, don't ensnare your brother in a spring-loaded rope trap! Poncho: I'm sick of his smug attitude and his designer scarf-ware. Orlando: It's okay, Mom, I think he's just worried about being left alone. Poncho: Oh, don't get all, "bigger person" now! I am who I am, even if that's petty, grumpy, selfish, opportunistic, conniving, spineless.... There's an adopting guy behind me, isn't there? Did he hear? Did he hear all that? I'm gonna die alone.
Hillbillyman over 14 years ago
It’s probably just Chaz Ponch…you will have him eating out of your super dish in no time.
pcolli over 14 years ago
Don’t worry….we’re all unique, but we’re not alone. It just feels like it sometimes.
hildigunnurr Premium Member over 14 years ago
Carmen will see through you in no time at all, though!
twj0729 over 14 years ago
You’re really going to love the cats, Poncho!
cleokaya over 14 years ago
At least you know your faults Porcho.
UBBM Premium Member over 14 years ago
Know thyself…then fake it around everyone else.
tastytunes2000 over 14 years ago
Yea, we know how this one ends :)
McGehee over 14 years ago
“Hmmm. The one with the pleasant personality is wearing an expensive collar – or whatever that is – and I can’t afford that kind of taste. Porcho it is.”
Destiny23 over 14 years ago
His self assessment is pretty accurate, except for spineless. I never would have called him that!
fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago
If Chazz has a girlfriend AT ALL when he takes Porcho, I doubt it’ll be Carmen. There have been references to Chazz’s old girfriend(s) in the strip, although not by name, and Poncho is aware of them (he’s done things like slip their photos into places where Carmen is sure to find them, and put the blame on Chazz). Chazz also used to use (or try to use) Poncho as a “chick magnet” before he got married.
I’m thinking that the VERY LAST thing that’ll happen in “Year One” is that Chazz will meet Carmen and decide, knowing Poncho’s attitude towards cats and “cat people”, to keep their blossoming relationship (maybe her very existence) secret from the Pooch…
alan.gurka over 14 years ago
Porcho, you’e lucky because this is one of those shelters that doesn’t believe in putting animals down, no matter how long you stay there.
pattybf over 14 years ago
I think it’s an ascot. In frame 2 you can see the front. No wonder he was adopted by a rich person. All he lacks is a smoking jacket!!
SallyLin over 14 years ago
I predict Porcho will be the last to go. But maybe he’ll get some good one-on-one mommy time out of it.
pierreandnicole over 14 years ago
Paul Gilligan did a superb job of defining the personalities for each puppy. Once we fast forward to the present I, for one, will look forward to one or more of them (other than Orlando again) visiting bro PPPP.
Biltil Premium Member over 14 years ago
If I had a nickle for every time I heard my mom say, “Don’t ensnare your brother in a spring-loaded rope trap”…
BakerBaker over 14 years ago
SallyLin, when Orlando was first introduced into the series, they established that Orlando was adopted after Poncho. Which created much grief for Poncho when he found out that Orlando was adopted by a wealthy couple.
Hopefully they’ll show that in the strip, as far as after he’s adopted, Poncho cackling at how Orlando will be forced to live alone under the porch only for a cutaway scene showing Orlando at his new posh home….
josephz2va almost 7 years ago
mom is strong enough to stand.