Peanuts by Charles Schulz for September 06, 2016

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 8 years ago

    if Schulz made Snoopy a Great Dane or a Saint Bernard, he’d have no problem reaching the mailbox’s drop-off slot

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    bigcatbusiness  over 8 years ago

    He could have let Woodstock fly in there, or deliver it himself like a messenger pigeon.

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    Hu.e Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Reaching for stars, but can’t even reach the mailbox?It’s hard climbing that ladder to success, but first you need a ladder?

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    hcarpenter1  over 8 years ago

    i know how Snoopy feels, being short sucks at times.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Snoopy never seems to have trouble getting in the Valentine’s Day mailbox…

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    Chad Cheetah  over 8 years ago

    Now I remember “Great Pumpkin” when Linus has trouble reaching the mailbox, and used the wind to get his letter in the mailbox.

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    hariseldon59  over 8 years ago

    This reminds me of “It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown”, when Linus was too short to reach the mailbox and had to use his blanket as a lasso to open the box.

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    Chris Kenworthy  over 8 years ago

    I submitted my last manuscript through the post years ago, and find it so much easier to submit to magazines over the Internet. Partly that’s because I’m Canadian so a self-addressed stamped envelope was tricky before an American friend sent my some American stamps which will get a reply back to Canada.

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    Godfreydaniel  over 8 years ago

    Snoopy never gets anything published but he’s a world-famous novelist, anyway. There must be a trick to it!

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    Number Three  over 8 years ago

    I can see what’s coming.

    Snoopy will get Linus to be his agent.

    I’m wrong of course but I had to say something!


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    swarms  over 8 years ago

    Please let me know the meaning of the final sentence. Does it means that he will succeed by that novel? So he he will begin new career?

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    Mojo0400  over 8 years ago

    Thank goodness for Linus being nearby!

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    tea62  over 8 years ago

    Looks awfully thin.

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