Never heard about lotteries, or Canadian women having to cross the border to give birth. Only time that happens is when it is a remote area and one hospital serves both sides, and it is about 50/50 whose side of the border the maternity department is on!
Lived both the USA and the Canadian side of the border. Health care is good both places. Canada is more “no frills” but who needs fountains and piano bars in their hospital!? Care in Canada was excellent, yes sometimes yo have to wait for non urgent things; but they do eventually get done. And had to wait for some non urget care in the USA as well. Try getting a cardiologist appointment there if you are not having horrible chest pain…..two months or more. Gyn for checkups? book a year before you need it….
Nabuquduriuzhur says:
Where did you get that “information” about lotteries for surgery? Never heard of that and I’ve lived here in the True North Strong and Free all my life. I guess the question is, which would you prefer death because you can’t afford health care or guaranteed health care? Just seems immoral that surgery or other health care is denied because you can’t afford it!
It’s too expensive for people to become doctors - so there’s going to be more and more of a shortage…and money is going to affect those who need a procedure, and can afford to go where the doctor is…they do it now, actually…
and then once you pay the bill you will be broke again. Politicians don’t care they have government paid for insurance. If Dick Cheney had normal healthcare he would thankfully be dead by now
pouncingtiger over 14 years ago
This is true. Where’s the joke?
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
So would I if I were in Cosmo’s shoes. Why is he still wasting space in the Hospital?
JP Steve Premium Member over 14 years ago
Canadian, no worries!
moronbis over 14 years ago
I second you pouncingtiger.
wetidlerjr over 14 years ago
Nabuquduriuzhur said, about 4 hours ago Yes, Canada….The lotteries that began this year to see who would get life-saving surgery…
I see that Glenn Beck does your thinking for you.
Dkram over 14 years ago
What’s Cosmo in for, a Wallet Reduction Procedure.
wicky over 14 years ago
It is sad that some people bring their sorry politics to the comics.
jkoskov over 14 years ago
Exactly. Both sides are pretty sorry for sure. That’s why we need to take the comics for what they are, a little bit of laughter in an insane world.
Allison Nunn Premium Member over 14 years ago
Never heard about lotteries, or Canadian women having to cross the border to give birth. Only time that happens is when it is a remote area and one hospital serves both sides, and it is about 50/50 whose side of the border the maternity department is on! Lived both the USA and the Canadian side of the border. Health care is good both places. Canada is more “no frills” but who needs fountains and piano bars in their hospital!? Care in Canada was excellent, yes sometimes yo have to wait for non urgent things; but they do eventually get done. And had to wait for some non urget care in the USA as well. Try getting a cardiologist appointment there if you are not having horrible chest pain…..two months or more. Gyn for checkups? book a year before you need it….
tinhutjohn over 14 years ago
Nabuquduriuzhur says: Where did you get that “information” about lotteries for surgery? Never heard of that and I’ve lived here in the True North Strong and Free all my life. I guess the question is, which would you prefer death because you can’t afford health care or guaranteed health care? Just seems immoral that surgery or other health care is denied because you can’t afford it!
Rise22 over 14 years ago
It’s too expensive for people to become doctors - so there’s going to be more and more of a shortage…and money is going to affect those who need a procedure, and can afford to go where the doctor is…they do it now, actually…
catmandew over 14 years ago
Those wallet biopsies are brutal!
Frankr over 14 years ago
NONE of what you say about Canadian Healthcare is true. Just more FOX News disinformation.
Totalloser Premium Member over 14 years ago
and then once you pay the bill you will be broke again. Politicians don’t care they have government paid for insurance. If Dick Cheney had normal healthcare he would thankfully be dead by now