Man: Bill O'Reilly of Fox News said that Michelle Obama's crazy claim that slaves built the White House is true. He says the slaves were well-fed and had nice accommodations. Cuco: Well, it's no wonder, then, why so many slaves immigrated to the U.S.!
Flash Gordon over 8 years ago
They had no choice, they were kidnapped from their homelands and brought over here in chains. Over ten million died in the slave trade which qualifies as a holocaust. Meanwhile over ten million Native Americans were killed by violence, starvation, and deliberate spreading of diseases such as smallpox, which also qualifies as a holocaust.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 8 years ago
all those people stood in the way of our lord and savior, the almighty buck.
Diane Lee Premium Member over 8 years ago
You aren’t an historian if you are either wing, you are just making things up to fit into your agenda. To be an actual historian, you have to tell the whole truth, whether it fits your agenda or not, and the only way O’Reilly would recognize the truth is if he could somehow be transported into the lives of the actual people who lived with that truth.
kaffekup over 8 years ago
“Right wing historian” is clearly an oxymoron. O’Reilly is just a plain moron.
braindead Premium Member over 8 years ago
Bill-O the Clown also stated for a year or so, that there were NO homeless vets.
‘Course, that was when Bush was president, but that’s just a totally unrelated coincidence for such an exacting ‘historian’/‘journalist’.
57-Don over 8 years ago
Once again, game, set and match to Cuco – let’s keep this rally going Lalo
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 8 years ago
The phrase should be “helped build” not built. A large percentage of the laborers were both freed and enslaved blacks. It is good to bring it up, but lets get the facts correct.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 8 years ago
By the way good job showing the white guy as an angry evil character, never expected any less of you Mr. Alcaraz.
57-Don over 8 years ago
I’m hovering around 60 and am a huge Big Daddy Roth fan so I guess the answer is yes