Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for August 27, 2016
Poncho: We did it! We scared off the crooks! Dog: Great work, fellow guard dog! Poncho: Did you see them running? They were terrified. You can bet we're going to be plaguing their thoughts all the way home! Robber 1: Why do we always wear these masks and striped shirts that make it obvious what we're up to?
DennisinSeattle over 8 years ago
Unbelievable. Poncho scaring off burglars…yeah right. But under the circumstances, it worked. What will this do for Ponch.s self image?
awgiedawgie Premium Member over 8 years ago
Is it just me, or does the guard dog’s right arm seem peculiarly longer than his left?
juicebruce over 8 years ago
Alright now that the deed has been done where is the yummie for the tummy ?
Stanwal2 over 8 years ago
dis arm and dat arm
Perkycat over 8 years ago
Good on you guys! They are stretching their arms for that special high five. It’s too bad all criminals don’t wear special clothing. Well, I guess they do after they get caught.
MeGoNow Premium Member over 8 years ago
And while you’re at it, ditch those bags with “LOOT” stenciled on the side.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Waiting for the other shoe to drop…
ericbutts74 over 8 years ago
They wear striped shirts, so that they won’t have to change clothes when they inevitably get caught.
wecatsgocomics over 8 years ago
In answer to why the crooks always seem to dress like stereotypical crooks, I give you Rema from Stone Soup:“I’m a minor character in a comic strip. If I change my look, no one will recognize me.”
DennisinSeattle over 8 years ago
Of course none of the dogs at the Cafe will believe his story.
josephz2va over 8 years ago
Anyone else noticed the car style? Looked a little like a LADA.