I wish Leakysqueaky would get back to opening the day again……!!…??
Good morniing all. It’s a quiet morning here in the Village
of the Vagabonds. I suppose most have gone somewhere for the long weekend, saying goodbye to summer time pleasures?
MontanaLady………. were any of those thunder storms up there close enough to observe?
Sat out last night watching the thunderstorms sweep through! What a light show we had. Love it!
Slim……it was dark by the time the storms hit, so we couldn’t look at the clouds. I’ll keep this in mind ‘cause it sounds like fun to see the “boiling…roiling” cloud tops.
Fall is definitely here, and our vegetable garden has finally set fruit. Don’t know if it will be warm enough to ripen. The tomatoes and herbs in the greenhouse are in full swing ‘cause they’re protected from the elements.
Glad y’all escaped Earl……..and he’s just a memory.
MontanaLady……..thunder and lightning are always more spectacular at night, I think. I had a good show a week or so ago, despite having only a 90 degree view. There was a lot of T&L right out there in fromt of me, some of it fairly close.
Living twelve floors up, I.ve got a great view of the Samta Catalina Mtns. They are pretty young mountains with lots of bare rock and cliffs of all sizes all over them. Got some nice shots of them on all kinds of weather and times of day.
I just checked all the strips here. Besides this one, there are two others dated Sept. 5. 5 or 6 dated a year or so ago and the rest are up to date. Baldo (today’s) interestingly had five comments having nothing to do with the strip. Was between two persons and were in English?
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
I wish Leakysqueaky would get back to opening the day again……!!…??
Good morniing all. It’s a quiet morning here in the Village of the Vagabonds. I suppose most have gone somewhere for the long weekend, saying goodbye to summer time pleasures?
MontanaLady………. were any of those thunder storms up there close enough to observe?
Lonewolf……How you doing, friend?
Marg….. and how are you today…
SWEETBILL over 14 years ago
GM earlybird specials
Well Earls come and went, just a lot off noise ,thank, you
Now we can get on with Fall, one of my favorite seasons
margueritem over 14 years ago
I’m glad that Earl was just a fizzle. Good morning to all, and now I must say Good Night. Have a good Sunday.
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
Is there anybody else around??
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
Guess not. No sense sitting around waiting. G’night.
MontanaLady over 14 years ago
Good morning, Vagabonders!
Sat out last night watching the thunderstorms sweep through! What a light show we had. Love it!
Slim……it was dark by the time the storms hit, so we couldn’t look at the clouds. I’ll keep this in mind ‘cause it sounds like fun to see the “boiling…roiling” cloud tops.
Fall is definitely here, and our vegetable garden has finally set fruit. Don’t know if it will be warm enough to ripen. The tomatoes and herbs in the greenhouse are in full swing ‘cause they’re protected from the elements.
Glad y’all escaped Earl……..and he’s just a memory.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Happy Labor Day weekend, Vagabonders!
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
MontanaLady……..thunder and lightning are always more spectacular at night, I think. I had a good show a week or so ago, despite having only a 90 degree view. There was a lot of T&L right out there in fromt of me, some of it fairly close.
Living twelve floors up, I.ve got a great view of the Samta Catalina Mtns. They are pretty young mountains with lots of bare rock and cliffs of all sizes all over them. Got some nice shots of them on all kinds of weather and times of day.
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
Mornin’ Lonewolf. How you feeling today??
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
The big bruise is bothering me less and less each day. Thanks for asking, Slim.
How are you doing, sir?
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
Lonesolf……… Sorry to take so long. I was wathing the WNBA semi-finals and the U.S, Open. Actually, I’m bored out of my skull.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 14 years ago
OK, guys, I might not make it again tonight and wanted to leave this for you…
Clarence “Frogman” Henry (1956)…
MontanaLady over 14 years ago
Where is the turnover????
margueritem over 14 years ago
Good one, VistaBill! Goodnight, all.
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
I finally came down to see if anybody had posted here. This is weird because they seem to have made the turn-over on the English side???
I can’t think of a why, so I’m going to see if any the other l Spanish sites made it.
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
Both Foxtrot and Calvan and Hobbes are new, not Sunday’s. Is this possibly a sutle hint , or something???
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
I didn’t check all of them, but did check some more. The only other one I found that was still Sunday was Cathy.
I’m gonna hang it up til I get my comics fix later today.
I hope everyone has a peaceful sleep. LOL
Shirttail Slim
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Morning and Happy Labor Day Vagabonders!
Something’s amiss here………………………..
MontanaLady over 14 years ago
Good morning, Friends of the Vagabond Hotel.
I have a bad feeling about this! Any suggestions about a new meeting place?
shirttailslim over 14 years ago
I just checked all the strips here. Besides this one, there are two others dated Sept. 5. 5 or 6 dated a year or so ago and the rest are up to date. Baldo (today’s) interestingly had five comments having nothing to do with the strip. Was between two persons and were in English?
Could there be other gringos about??
SWEETBILL over 14 years ago
Shirttail Slim, We could try Foxtrot (esponal) That’s empty
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Hi all! Don’t know if my vote matters, but Foxtrot(Espanol) sounds good.
MontanaLady over 14 years ago
I LOVE Foxtrot!!!! if this is the end of the Vagabond Village…….. we can try Foxtrot (Espanol)