Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for September 06, 2016
Lupin: The woman is in a room we can't get into. Elvis: We go now live to Puck. Puck: CN news Ma'am what are you doing in there? Ma'am? CN News... Woman: Pucky, I'll be out soon. Puck: Ma'am Woman: Puck, stop. Puck: Ma'am? Elvis: Ma'am? Lupin: Ma'am?
meowlin over 8 years ago
Unless there’s another human in the house, I don’t even bother to close the door any more.
Lukefunnies over 8 years ago
This is old news. Like yesterday. And the day before that. And the day before that. I should switch to channel 5.
Lady Bri over 8 years ago
I love these old strips, even if I have a book with them all in it, they still make me smile. :-) It makes me remember when I was growing up and every time I had to use the bathroom, the cat wouldn’t forgive me for locking the door and shutting him out. It’s cute the way they think they can get in by stretching out their little paws under the door. Ha!
Queen of America over 8 years ago
Yep – just try to go to the bathroom alone. I had to laugh at this one because it’s so typical.
Queen of America over 8 years ago
One of the office cats at my vets’ office wears outfits. The staff says he cries in the morning until they dress him. This day, he was in his lumberjack outfit.
Queen of America over 8 years ago
Clearstream over 8 years ago
I just had a thought. What is everytime they said “Ma’am”, it sounded like “Meow” to the woman? Has anyone else thought of that?
Tsigili over 8 years ago
Discovering this strip has made my day! It’s so accurate – except for the politeness. I can’t imagine any of our cats saying “Sir” or “Ma’am” unless he/she was making a very snarky remark.
I’m also happy to see someone else use the term “grand cat” because it’s good to know I’m not the only one who has grand cats instead of grand children!
I have to go tell my cat-loving friends about this comic strip!
ferengi19 over 8 years ago
I love seeing the old strips. I hope they continue.
C and O 2666 over 8 years ago
Our previous furbaby used to stick a front leg under the basement door and sweep it back and forth as if she thought she might be able to reach whoever was down there. It used to crack me up. Our current sweetie-cat complains if the bathroom door is closed – she wants to get in the tub (as long as it’s dry).
miscreant over 8 years ago
Having 5 cats and living alone it was just easier to remove the bathroom door in the master bedroom than to have them throw themselves against the door over and over again. Now all I have to do is turn on the faucet to a trickle every time I visit the facilities.
Perkycat over 8 years ago
Between cats and kids, it’s surprising we get any ‘business’ done.
joycehanmer over 8 years ago
I am also enjoying the reruns.
saxie5 over 8 years ago
My black and white cat loves to play with the door handle when she wants into a room with a closed door. Luckily she hasn’t managed to open a door yet!
roberta.forbes.pyle over 8 years ago
My husband took me clothes shopping for my birthday yesterday. Two of the outfits I tried on had fringe on the hem which is apparently the latest style. My husband liked them and wanted to buy them. I told him, “Consider the following equation: Swishy fringe + curious cat = pounce, grab, RRrip,WARDROBE MALFUNCTION!” He decided to buy me something else…
deadheadzan over 8 years ago
I have loved this strip since I discovered it last March and have bought several prints of some of my favorites. Our vets also have a house cat and when someone dropped off a very personable second cat it looked like they might have two, although they were looking for a home for him. My son had one of our cats down for a checkup and fell in love with him. So that’s how Charlie came to our house. He is lots of fun. The only downside is that he is a gray and black Tabby like two of our other cats and we have to take a couple looks to tell them apart! That would really be a blast if one of our cats liked dressing up but the lumberjack cat must be one in five million!
bonita.eley over 8 years ago
Group forming outside the bathroom door -I know it well – LOL
bryan42 almost 2 years ago
Are you pooping, are you pooping?
Kitty mom, kitty mom
Momma’ are you pooping, momma’ are you pooping?
Let me in, let me in!