Nothing New Age about her, she looks kinda Old Age actually, a Rebirth of the 60’s. I also wore bells bottoms latter in the Navy, but also in the 60’s and 70’s too. ( A little bit of history, the Naval Bell Bottom pants actually originated way back and was designed to help prevent drowning and save a Sailors life. If abandoning ship or falling overboard, he could remove the bell bottom pants, tie the bottoms off, then inflate the pants and use them as a kind of water wing style life presserver. They can still be used that way today. The fabric when wet limits the loss of air thru it, and you can reinflate when needed. ) Maybe in the 60’s we used them to help us float thru a troubled time period with Nam and All ?? Hmmm ?
Space & Kitten over 8 years ago
Nothing New Age about her, she looks kinda Old Age actually, a Rebirth of the 60’s. I also wore bells bottoms latter in the Navy, but also in the 60’s and 70’s too. ( A little bit of history, the Naval Bell Bottom pants actually originated way back and was designed to help prevent drowning and save a Sailors life. If abandoning ship or falling overboard, he could remove the bell bottom pants, tie the bottoms off, then inflate the pants and use them as a kind of water wing style life presserver. They can still be used that way today. The fabric when wet limits the loss of air thru it, and you can reinflate when needed. ) Maybe in the 60’s we used them to help us float thru a troubled time period with Nam and All ?? Hmmm ?
Norman L Jones over 8 years ago
When I was in the USN we had bell bottom trousers wit 13 buttons across the front. Gave the girls 12 chances to change their minds.
WildcardJack over 8 years ago
I converted my age from Fahrenheit to Celsius