Bev… I think I had the same reaction… well except I never thought “Where’s the rest of me!?” cos I knew it was Marsha.
I did wonder what happened to her body, though….I started to wonder whether a pulley was not only uplifting, like X said….but whether it… you know…“lifts and separates.”But then, like you, I saw her leg sticking out….realised it was just the viewing angle…and breathed a sigh of relief.
Rose … I, too, am tempted to post my usual large assortment of pictures…including local pulley enthusiasts, Ballard Street Pulley Club meetings, etc….but I also have to opt for sleep.It’s already after 2 am and I’ve been up way too late the last few nights.
Liverlips … Unlike (apparently) the club pictured in Bev’s “Happy Hour” post….not that there’’s anything wrong with that.
Speaking of Bev’s posts…the magician is using a very early version of the XTI Invisible PulleyMatic™ to perform his levitation trick.
The Pulley Club is a great way to keep in shape. However, there are a few denizens of Ballard Street that don’t believe in exercising… isn’t that right Bev & Rose ?
x_Tech about 8 years ago
Yes, dear, it can be very uplifting.
jonescientific about 8 years ago
Everybody on Ballard Street joins the Pully Club eventually.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 8 years ago
You will all thank me for my restraint in not posting 58 pics of The Pulley Club"I will thank myself for getting to bed before midnight.
DennisinSeattle about 8 years ago
Aw, Rose, we always appreciate your extensive grasp of BS (Ballard Street) history.
DennisinSeattle about 8 years ago
The principle:
Superfrog about 8 years ago
Just get a grip and pull yourself together.
DennisinSeattle about 8 years ago
At the Pulley Club meetings, they go deeper:
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 8 years ago
One assumes that the Pulley Club, unlike Augusta National Golf Club, has a gender neutral admissions policy.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 8 years ago
Bev… I think I had the same reaction… well except I never thought “Where’s the rest of me!?” cos I knew it was Marsha.
I did wonder what happened to her body, though….I started to wonder whether a pulley was not only uplifting, like X said….but whether it… you know…“lifts and separates.”But then, like you, I saw her leg sticking out….realised it was just the viewing angle…and breathed a sigh of relief.
Rose … I, too, am tempted to post my usual large assortment of pictures…including local pulley enthusiasts, Ballard Street Pulley Club meetings, etc….but I also have to opt for sleep.It’s already after 2 am and I’ve been up way too late the last few nights.
Liverlips … Unlike (apparently) the club pictured in Bev’s “Happy Hour” post….not that there’’s anything wrong with that.
Speaking of Bev’s posts…the magician is using a very early version of the XTI Invisible PulleyMatic™ to perform his levitation trick.
whiteheron about 8 years ago
The BS Pulley club is in direct competion with the PullYou assembly of Pushme County.
smorbie the great and beautiful about 8 years ago
That does kind of look like fun
Linguist about 8 years ago
The Pulley Club is a great way to keep in shape. However, there are a few denizens of Ballard Street that don’t believe in exercising… isn’t that right Bev & Rose ?
Coyoty Premium Member about 8 years ago
The Pulley Club is very uplifting.
ekke about 8 years ago
Wow. In what universe does that actually WORK? The perpetual motion universe?