Penny tells you to rent a van but earlier told you to get rid of all credit cards. You can’t do both. It is not wise to rent with a Debit card because you won’t be able to pay with that same card or even use it for up to a week if you rent a vehicle with it.
Neo Stryder about 8 years ago
Ok Mil, you picked my curiosity.
miscreant about 8 years ago
Penny tells you to rent a van but earlier told you to get rid of all credit cards. You can’t do both. It is not wise to rent with a Debit card because you won’t be able to pay with that same card or even use it for up to a week if you rent a vehicle with it.
ziggman14304 about 8 years ago
But why is she moving in the first place? Didn’t see anything about not being able to stay where she was.