You can do so now since you have to use that pay for the entire month. You could be listing now what you spend on necessities vs stuff you want to make life worth living.
I have been doing this for many many years now I ran my own business for 23 years and did my own book keeping. I still keep track of my spending today!
waycyber over 8 years ago
This looks like wisdom rather than humour. GoComics has room for both. Pray, continue, friend Trotman. I wish to learn.
Willywise52 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Penny is a dirty little girl.I like that.
Neo Stryder over 8 years ago
My pay comes at the end of month, I hope she says the rest before that.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
You can do so now since you have to use that pay for the entire month. You could be listing now what you spend on necessities vs stuff you want to make life worth living.
sneakysdad over 8 years ago
I have been doing this for many many years now I ran my own business for 23 years and did my own book keeping. I still keep track of my spending today!
johnrimer over 8 years ago
This looks promising. Love the artwork. I’ll be following!