I learnt morals were group based and ethics are individual. So rescuing a virgin from an angry volcano God would be immoral (as the tribe sees it) but ethical.
Must be a bookmobile. Those things never stay in one place long. I think it’s part of their ethics. Ethical codes get printed on cards you put in your wallet. No one ever prints up moral code cards – too much fiber.
stsparky over 8 years ago
I learnt morals were group based and ethics are individual. So rescuing a virgin from an angry volcano God would be immoral (as the tribe sees it) but ethical.
Ida No over 8 years ago
Must be a bookmobile. Those things never stay in one place long. I think it’s part of their ethics. Ethical codes get printed on cards you put in your wallet. No one ever prints up moral code cards – too much fiber.
ladamson1918 over 8 years ago
ethical: pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct
scyphi26 over 8 years ago
Better pull over and ask for directions, T-Rex.